Rhome Bakery Building / Landmark in Tales of Greyhawk | World Anvil

Rhome Bakery

The bottom floor of a large stone building is home to this large bakery. Arthon Rhome is the owner and is very welcoming to the many customers, if a little overbearing. Arthon's wife Nyssa serves and boxes the baked goods that Arthon sells, barely ever speaking with customers.   The bakery is known to have the most delicious baked goods for miles around. Many people say the food is worth twice the price. The Rhome's best selling item is a crumble cake that miners can take with them into the mines, breaking off pieces that last much of the day.   The locals know that Nyssa gave birth to a tielfling child named Tolman many years ago, and the Arthon makes the boy, now fifteen, sleep in the barn, "with the other animals", Arthon has been overheard saying. While some are sympathetic to the younglings' plight, Diamond Lake as a whole is not known as a sympathetic town.  

Common Stock

  • Crumble Cake 5 cp
  • Bread, common (loaf) 2 cp
  • Bread, flatbread 4 cp
  • Fruitcake 1 sp
  • Meat pie 5 sp
  • Turkey pie 6 sp


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