Sheriff Cubbin Character in Tales of Greyhawk | World Anvil

Sheriff Cubbin

Welver Cubbin is a native of Diamond Lake. As a young man, he earned the reputation as a thug. Soon he began getting work for the mine managers as hired muscle, bodyguard, and any other rough and tumble work that was needed. Unfortunately, his big mouth became a liability and the work began drying up. He was offered a place on the watch by the previous sheriff, Ruven Tandor, and enjoyed lording it over the drunks and miners who got out of hand.   When Lanod Neff replaced his father, he retired Ruven and appointed Cubbin as sheriff. By this time, Cubbin was so well-known for his corruption that most thought it was a joke, until he started cracking heads and making arrests. For is part, Cubbin is overjoyed with his new position and would do just about anything Neff commanded.
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