Suel Pantheon

The Suloise people are as respectful of their Gods as they are of their ancestors.   On the Thillonrian Peninsula the Suloise wind gods – especially the imprisoned Vatun – receive considerable worship, though Kord, Llerg, Norebo and Xerbo are also worshiped.   In the Amedio Jungle and the continent of Hepmonaland, the Suloise residents worship Llerg, Beltar, Bralm, Phaulkon, Pyremius, Wastri, and Xerbo, with a small number of them worshiping Wee Jas.   On the Tilvanot Peninsula the entire Suloise Pantheon receives dutiful worship, although Lendor, Bralm, Pyremius, Lydia, Osprem, Syrul, and Wee Jas can lay claim to the largest followings.   It has been rumored that the Scarlet Brotherhood worships dark gods, such as Tharizdun, though this is doubtful. However, a group of Suloise worshipers of Tharizdun known as the Black Brotherhood does exist. It is thought that the Scarlet Brotherhood does not trust this group, but is on cordial terms with them.   In all other Suloise lands Kord, Norebo, and Wee Jas tend to be very popular, but Suloise cults to Tharizdun do exist and are spread throughout the Flanaess.    

Suloise Gods considered part of Core Pantheon

  • Kord; (CG; athletics, sports, brawling, strength, courage)
  • Wee Jas; (LN; death, magic, vanity (love), law)
  • Xerbo; (N; the sea, sailing, money, business)

Other Suloise Gods

  • Beltar; (CE/CN; malice, caves, pits)
  • Bralm; (N (LN) lesser goddess of Insects and Industriousness)
  • Dalt; (CG; portals, door, enclosures, locks, keys)
  • Fortubo; (LG/LN; stone, metals, mountains, guardianship)
  • Jascar; (LG; hills, mountains)
  • Lendor; (LN; time, tedium, patience, study)
  • Llerg; (CN; beasts, strength)
  • Lydia; (NG; music, knowledge, daylight)
  • Norebo; (CN; luck, gambling, risks)
  • Osprem; (LN; sea voyages, ships, sailors)
  • Phaulkon; (CG; air, wind, clouds, birds, archery)
  • Phyton; (CG; nature, beauty, farming)
  • Pyremius; (NE; assassins, fire, poison, murder)
  • Syrul; (NE; lies, deceit, treachery, false promises)
  • Telchur; (CN lesser god of Winter, Cold, and North Wind)
  • Vatun; (CN; northern barbarians, cold, winter, arctic beasts)
  • Wastri; (LN (LE) Demipower of Amphibians, Bigotry, and Self-Deception)

Obscure Suloise Gods

  • Ranet; (?; fire -deceased)


CE (CN) lesser goddess of Malice, Caves, and Pits

Suel Lesser Goddess   The haglike goddess Beltar (BEL-tar) one of the stranger Suel deities, known to appear as a beholder, red dragon, or marilith demon (the likely cause of Suloise snake-cult rumors). She was once a goddess of mines and earth, but was supplanted by others in her pantheon and finally relegated to worship by nonhuman slaves. She hates most everything, even other gods. Her holy symbol is a set of monstrous fangs closing to bite. She takes many mates in her various forms, but she is known to eat them afterward, as well as her own young.  


Mine and explore caves in pursuit of foes and riches. Fear is not acceptable in the face of adversity, and only hatred is allowed for those who stand in your way. Primarily worshiped by evil nonhumans and savage humans, Beltar pushes her followers to band together into armies and ally with more powerful creatures, such as red dragons, beholders, demons, or greater undead. They must wage war on hated foes.  


Clerics of Beltar are expected to take positions of leadership in their tribes; those who cannot do so are cast out to find heathen tribes to convert or new enemies for to fight. They inspire hatred in others and make examples of traitors or the weak-willed. Worship services involve sacrifices and are conducted in caves or points of low ground. Devoted clerics rise from the grave as undead within a year of their deaths, usually returning to aid their original tribe and show proof of the goddess’ power.   Domains: Nature, War   Weapons: Claws of Beltar (unarmed strike or spiked gauntlet)    


The Flying Queen, the Hive Goddess, the Toiling Lady, N (LN) lesser goddess of Insects and Industriousness

Suel Lesser Goddess   Bralm (BRAHLM) is depicted as a middle-aged woman with dark blonde hair, sometimes with insect wings. She is friendly with rest of the Suel pantheon but has no close allies there because she judges others on ability, not age or status. Trithereon has earned her enmity because of his individualism, and fiery deities like Pyremius and Joramy are avoided because of her dislike of that element. Her symbol is a giant wasp in front of an insect swarm.  


Everyone has a place in a society, and you must master your role even if you don’t understand how it is important. Those who know more or are in superior positions must be obeyed; you can learn much by observing those around you. Work hard and be satisfied with your work. Hive insects follow this path, with some members sacrificing themselves for the betterment of the entire hive. Some splinter churches elevate insects as creatures to be worshiped and keep giant insects as guards or pets.  


Bralm’s clerics act as overseers for complex tasks involving large numbers of people: military captains, farm overseers, mine controllers, slave drivers, and so on. They intercede to prevent destruction of crops by insects and are not above getting their hands dirty to get something done. They enjoy leading groups for the sake of imposing order on a group of independent-minded people. Their prayer times are twilight and dawn.   Domains: Order   Weapons: Dart    


CG lesser god of Portals, Doors, Enclosures, Locks, and Keys

Suel lesser God   Dalt (DAHLT) was forgotten for many years while he sought to free his brother Vatun; he is once again recognized as a god, although still primarily venerated by the Suloise people in the southeast. He talks with other gods of the Flanaess (except Telchur) in order to solicit help in his quest. Dalt is shown as an old man with wild white hair and piercing eyes or as a red-haired young thief. His symbol is a locked door with a skeleton key under it.  


Confront obstacles from different angles until a solution presents itself. Dalt is constantly trying to build a better mousetrap while being the better mouse. His name is used to bless fortresses, prisons, and chests of valuables, as well as the construction of new homes. His churches tend to be a mix of clerics who lock things and those who open them, each side seeing the need for the other.  


Clerics of Dalt are much like their god, tinkering in workshops, building locks and traps, then turning around and trying to figure a way to undo their own work. They teach their building skills to carpenters, masons, and locksmiths, while training aspiring thieves and spies in the locksmith arts, although they only choose those who would use their talents for the greater good. They firmly believe in guarding valuables from those who would use them for selfish ends, and liberating goods from those who don’t deserve to own them. They like to wander about cities and dungeons, looking for situations that would challenge their skills.   Domains: Forge, Trickery   Weapons: Dagger    


LG (LN) lesser god of Stone, Metals, Mountains, and Guardianship

Suel (dwarven) Lesser God   Fortubo (for-TOO-boh) was once a Suel god but abandoned that race in favor of dwarves when he found that the Suel were responsible for the creation of the evil derro. He is friendly with the gods of the dwarven pantheon but avoids all other gods except his brother Jascar. His holy symbol is a glowing- headed hammer, and his personal weapon is a great hammer named Golbi that returns to his hand when thrown and is said to be a gift from the dwarf god Moradin. He is shown as a small bearded Suel man who resembles a dwarf.  


Focus on your tasks. Do not allow yourself to be distracted by other careers or concerns outside of protecting the community. Feel the your kinship with the stone and do not cut it more than what your community needs. Commit no theft, murder, or evil, for they will shackle the dwarven people more strongly than any chains. Fortubo protects dwarven communities and welcomes clerics of either sex, especially married couples.  


Fortubo’s clerics plan defenses to the smallest detail and are more than willing to shoulder more than their share of the responsibility if they feel anyone else involved is incapable of pulling their weight. They search for orcs and goblins, which they feel harm the earth with their pointless tunneling. Any hammer will serve as a holy symbol. Married pairs of clerics are said to be especially blessed by Fortubo and their children are born with exceptional insight and endurance.   Domains: Forge, Nature, Order   Weapons: Warhammer    


LG lesser god of Hills and Mountains

Suel Lesser God   Jascar (JAS-kar) is the brother of Fortubo and dedicated foe of Beltar, his holy symbol is a snow-capped mountain peak. With his dark beard and shining silver breastplate, Jascar doesn’t resemble the Suel people that worship him, but his visage strikes fear into orcs and goblins. He is sometimes shown as a great horse or pegasus—two forms he once took when fighting Beltar. He is often aided by Phaulkon in his efforts to advance the cause of good, and Jascar’s hammer is the bane of all undead. Other than Phaulkon and Fortubo, Jascar talks little with other gods and is often perceived as driven and aloof.  


Hold no quarter for evil nonhumans like orcs and goblinoids, and equally hate those who would make the beautiful hills and mountains ugly. Protect the hills and mountains from plundering by evil forces and you will be rewarded with the treasures Jascar places under the earth for good folk to find. The church teaches common tactics used by evil nonhumans.  


Jascar’s clerics often lead cross-country and underground crusades against evil nonhumans. They survey for precious metals, and advise miners on how to dig their tunnels safely and cause a minimal amount of damage to the surrounding environment. Their single-mindedness often alienates them from others, but their dependable nature means that an entire temple can be called upon in times of crisis; the network of the multi-racial Jascarian faith is strong as stone.   Domains: Nature, War   Weapons: Warhammer    


Prince of Time, Master of Tedium, LN God of Time, Tedium, Patience, and Study

Suel Intermediate God   Lendor (LEN-dor), the leader and progenitor of the Suel pantheon, is depicted as a white-haired and bearded husky older man. Largely withdrawn from the affairs of the world to care for larger issues, Lendor considers himself superior other gods and especially to his children, as he has the ability to banish any of his children or undo their magic. A blow from his flaming sword Afterglow is said to be the force that started the flow of time at the dawn of the universe. His holy symbol is a crescent moon in front of a new moon surrounded by fourteen stars (sometimes less or more).  


Time stretches to infinity, and issues that seem pressing are merely a smaller part of a larger whole. In order to make sense of the universe, one must look at the entire mosaic instead of just a part of it. Age brings experience wisdom, and the impetus to take things slow.  


Lendor’s clergy are mostly older, particularly sages village elders, and record keepers. They tend to have little interaction with the outside world, remaining cloistered in their libraries and temples for years at time. Occasionally a younger person will be drawn t this faith, taking the role of wandering adviser preaching the need to keep the present in perspective; these preachers often become advisers to conservative leaders or mount expeditions to recover ancient tomes and artifacts lost for generations.   Domains: Knowledge, Order   Weapons: Scythe    


Great Bear, Animal Fang, Strongest Serpent, God of Force), CN lesser god of Beasts and Strength

Suel lesser god   The most uncivilized god in the Suel pantheon, Llerg (LERG) ignores most other gods, seeing them as too civilized, but has a friendly rivalry with Kord and a hatred for Telchur. He is shown as a strong, shaggy man wearing furs and a fighting girdle or as a great bear, snake, or alligator. These animals are sacred to him and they are his three holy symbols. He fights with a broadsword or in one of his animal forms and may be the ancestor of the original dire bears, dire alligators, and giant snakes. He is popular among the jungle savages, who call him Hlerg.  


Be strong so that others respect you. Be fierce like the creatures of the animal world. Humans have lost contact with their inner animal nature—watch and learn how the predator lives, and you will again be as you should be. Llerg supports barbarians defending their lands against encroaching civilization.  


Llerg’s clerics choose one of his sacred animals as their totem animal. They act as intermediaries when tribes meet, and range far in search of prey when times are lean for their tribe. They bless weapons, warriors, and sites of battle to ensure victory, and in more peaceful times they train young warriors in armed and unarmed combat. Some clerics see visions and travel to find the meaning of what they have seen.   Domains: Nature   Weapons: Battleaxe    


NG lesser goddess of Music, Knowledge, and Daylight

Suel lesser goddess   Lydia (LIH-dee-ah) is a wise Suel goddess, shown as a dynamic older woman with white hair and clear blue eyes. Her symbol is a spray of colors from an open hand. She interacts with many other gods, exchanging information and songs. In some ways she is the converse of Pholtus, pressing for individual liberty so that others may see the light of truth without being blinded by it; this pleases Trithereon, who also strives for the freedom of the individual.  


People must gain knowledge to better themselves. Music is a key to learning, and the light of day lets one see their own ignorance. Lydia’s church has an open policy on all records, for the goddess hates secrets and those who would hoard information to the detriment of others. Her teachings are presented in song form so that they may be easily remembered, and her church often converts current and historical texts into ball ads. Her church uses education to uplift women from lesser stations in life; this tends to make her unpopular with patriarchies.  


Most of her clerics are women. They discover and spread information wherever they travel, and are often found in the company of clerics of Fharlanghn. They are required to help women in need of education, and they spend much of their time in villages teaching women and children how to read and acting as midwives. They travel to discover lost caches of information and song, preferring historical accounts of actual deeds rather than fictionalizations and hearsay tales.   Domains: Knowledge, Light   Weapons: Shaft of Light (spear)    


God of Gambles, CN lesser god of Luck, Gambling, and Risks

Suel lesser god   Norebo (noh-REE-boh) is one of the more popular Suel gods, known for his willingness to make a bet on anything and his fondness for dice games; his symbol (a pair of eight sided dice) stems from this. He has been paired with most of the female members of his pantheon, but has been linked to Wee Jas for the past one thousand years despite their alignment differences. He particularly despises Ralishaz for giving gambling and risks a bad name. Norebo is shown as a man of average height, weight, and features, but can assume animal forms, especially when he wishes to be hidden.  


Life is full of risks and gambling with fate is the only thing that makes life worth living. Owning property and life itself are fleeting things, and best be enjoyed while you have them. His worship is popular in the barbarian lands and large cities, and donations to his temples (called Churches of the Big Gamble) are usually in the form of lost bets (as gambling operations are run on-site). Some patrons donate to his temple in the hopes of warding off thieves and assassins.  


Clerics of the Norebo are willing to make wagers on anything and are usually employed at least part of the time in a gambling house. Others wander the world to bring chance and elements of risk into people’s lives; they especially love bothering clerics and followers of rigid gods such as Allitur, Pholtus, and St. Cuthbert.   Domains: Trickery   Weapons: Dagger    


LN lesser goddess of Sea Voyages, Ships, and Sailors

Suel lesser goddess   Osprem (AH-sprem) is a generally benign goddess revered by the Suel people as the protector of those who travel on the water. She is more compassionate than her occasional companion Xerbo, yet she is not averse to punishing those who offend her or disobey her laws. She is shown as a beautiful gowned woman a dolphin, a barracuda, or a sperm whale; the latter two are interchangeably used as her holy symbol. She wears no armor but is protected by a ring carved from a whale’s tooth, given to her by the grandfather of all whales.  


The seas provide a bounty of food and a means of travel; protect the sea as you would your own home, or face Osprem’s wrath. She protects those who sail and their vessels as long as they respect her and abide by her laws. She guides vessels through dangerous waters and is the patron goddess of naval explorers. Those who defy her laws are punished by storms of ice, and it is said entire towns were wiped out because of serious transgressions against her.  


Her clerics are skilled navigators and often become the spiritual leaders of communities that rely on the sea for survival. Many gain political power for them. selves based on the need for their abilities. Clerics not tied to one place might travel a great deal by ship, though they feel awkward away from the ocean, they are comfortable enough near lakes or rivers to venture inland.   Domains: Order, Tempest   Weapons: Trident    


CG lesser god of Air, Wind, Clouds, Birds, and Archery

Suel lesser god   Phaulkon (FAHL-kahn) is an active deity, promoting the cause of good and chasing down evil. He concerns himself with all things that happen under the open sky, and is a scholar of artifacts (and how to negate their powers). Father of Kord and second only to him in fighting ability, he is friendly with Aerdrie Faenya (the elven goddess of air and weather), Jascar, and the other gods with portfolios similar to his own. Depicted as a powerful, cleans haven, bare-chested wingless man, his holy symbol is a winged human silhouette.  


Victory in battle depends upon archery. The sky is the dome over creation, and creatures of the sky are blessed for freeing themselves from the soil. Take the fight to the enemy; do not wait for the encroach of evil. The ancient devices of war are best left alone, as their use involves great danger.  


Phaulkon’s clerics study the sky and clouds for portents, and work to protect the nesting places of flying animals. They teach archery and hunting to common people so they may feed and protect themselves, teach farmers the difference between birds that eat seeds and those that kill seed-eaters, and train soldiers in the more difficult aspects of ranged combat. When rumors of ancient evil magic surface, they seek out the source to make sure the item gets destroyed or at least stays buried. His clerics tend to be wanderers, enjoying living under the open sky and fighting evil where they discover it.   Domains: Nature, Tempest, War   Weapons: Longbow    


The Woodshaper, CG lesser god of Nature, Beauty, and Farming

Suel lesser god   Phyton (FIE-tahn) is a tall, slender, youthful-looking Suel god who can take the form of any forest creature. Once like most nature deities, he now represents man’s dominion over nature, and this puts him at odds with those who would protect a forest from the actions of mankind, just as his dominion over beauty angers Wee Jas. He clears forests to make room for crops, cuts tracks through mountains to make roads, and dams rivers to form fishing ponds. His symbol, a scimitar in front of an oak tree, hearkens back to his old purpose.  


Nothing in nature is so beautiful as what man can make of it. A field of crops, a garden of herbs, and a swamp drained to form fertile soil are all marvels of nature as much as the forest and mountains. Natural animals that can be domesticated should he, but those that are dangerous to man or his works should he slain.  


Clerics of Phyton act as protectors for farming settlements and look for ways to make use of nearby land. Each normally chooses a region to watch over, typically a circle one day’s walk in diameter. They might use their powers to redirect a river to suit a town’s needs, or to cull a forest of its uglier plants to leave a more pleasant locale. Some clerics wander the unsettled parts of the world, looking for destructive creatures to kill, abandoned sites of old civilizations, or wild places that might be useful to mankind.   Domains: Light, Nature   Weapons: Scimitar    


The Blazing Killer, Demon of Venom, Hideous Assassin, NE lesser god of Fire, Poison, and Murder

Suel lesser god   Pyremius (pie-R.EH-mee-us) was once a demigod of poison and murder, but he poisoned Ranet, the Suel goddess of fire, and assumed her portfolio. He is now the patron of assassins, and he carries a longsword called Red Light and a whip called Viper. He is friendly with fiends; jermlaine worship him, as do many nonhuman tribes. He keeps other gods at arm’s length, except for Syrul, a fellow patron of the Scarlet Brotherhood. His holy symbol is a demonic face with ears like a bat’s wings.  


The world will perish in fire. Anything that threatens you must be burned, and those who would keep you from doing this must be killed. The greatest enemy must sleep sometime. Those who fall to such tactics deserve their fate, and those who exploit these weaknesses are the most crafty of all. This doctrine means ranking clerics tend to prey upon each other, and smarter ones sometimes leave a temple to found their own order of the church.  


His clerics watch other people for weaknesses or openings in their defenses. They expose themselves to great heat to test their strength, plot against those who hold things they want, build superior forges, and explore exotic locations to find rare plants and other substances from which poisons can be made. Assassins can be hired at their temples; turnover among the clerics is high because of internal feuds.   Domains: Death, Nature   Weapons: Longsword    


The Forked Tongue, Night Hag, Oathbreaker, God of Lies, Deceit, Treachery, and False Promises

NE Cross-Pantheon Lesser goddess   Syrul (SIGH-rul) appears as a dirty, smelly old hag in tattered clothing (an illusion that covers her nondescript appearance). She is never without Small Lie (a dagger of venom made from an evil unicorns horn) and Harsh Truth (a rod of withering made from a gold dragon’s crystallized soul), and rides a great nightmare called Flamedevil. See can see through any deception or illusion, and her holy symbol is a forked tongue. Syrul avoids other deities except for Pyremius, whom she partners with in many things.  


The best way to protect what you know is to shield it in a lie. Speech is deadlier than any weapon; the greatest and smallest fall with a well-spoken untruth. Give your word to advance your cause, and break it when it is no longer of use. Trust is for fools, and betraying a fool is the greatest gift and lesson you can give them. Honesty and straightforwardness are for the dull-witted. Her churches get along well despite their communication obstacles.  


Her clerics use their ability to lie effectively in situations where they can cause the most trouble: markets, courtrooms, embassies, and fortunetellers’ booths. Many are skilled actors, performing in self-written plays that slander authority figures. They engage in debate, and are hired by leaders to confuse and misdirect spies and unwarranted foreign dignitaries. They travel to escape persecution, to find rumors to escalate, and to exploit the trust of greedy and foolish explorers.   Domains: Knowledge, Trickery   Weapons: Dagger    


Icebrother, CN lesser god of Winter, Cold, and North Wind

Suel lesser god   Telchur (TEL-chur) is the bitterest of Procan’s children. Resenting being assigned the coldest and bleakest months of the year, he shuns his family to associate with strange beings (including noble slaadi, the Wolf Lord, and the arch-devil Belial). Shown as a gaunt man with dark eyes and an icicle beard, he wields an icy shortspear and is accompanied by a winged, albino bull. He is extremely good at his work; because he wishes no rivals to blight his reputation, he urged his greatest clerics trap his rival Vatun in a magical prison seven hundred years ago. He prefers the tranquility of a frozen forest to the screams of an icy wind through a mountain pass; his symbol is a leafless tree in a field of snow.  


While life blossoms in the spring and flourishes in the summer, winter always comes and causes it to die, freezing the ground so that even the strongest shoot cannot break free. The cold wind covers all like a shroud, sucking the life from man and beast, blowing out the fires of his hope, and leaving nothing but endless white silence.  


Telchur’s clerics are brooding and withdrawn. They dislike noise and pleasantries, preferring to focus on the grim necessities of survival, even in times of prosperity. They pray just after dark. They preside over winter funerals, help the fit survive the coldest parts of winter, and adventure to spread the gloom of the Icebrother to distant people.   Domains: Nature, Tempest   Weapons: Spear    


The North God, Giantslayer, God of Northern Barbarians, Cold, Winter, and Arctic Beasts

Suel Lesser God   Vatun (VAY-tun) is largely forgotten outside the Thillonrian peninsula. Not worshiped by the Suel Imperium, Vatun is included in that pantheon because of his worship by the Suel-descended northern barbarians. Vatun was imprisoned by clerics of Telchur about the time of the Battle of a Fortnight’s Length. He wields an ice battleaxe called Winter’s Bite. When free, Vatun was a whirlwind of cold rage and energy, inspiring his followers to raid south as often as possible. Dalt and Llerg are his only allies. He is shown as a huge Suel man wearing polar bear skins and a beard of ice and snow, with frozen fog coming from his mouth. His holy symbol is the sun setting on a snowy landscape.  


Winter is a time for culling the weak so that the strong may survive. Snow shall cover cowards and they shall be forgotten by all. The people of the north are the true survivors and will inherit the world when the Great Winter comes to cover the land.  


Vatun’s clerics preach violence against Telchur’s faith, help their tribes survive in winter, heal the injured, and aid their people in battle. Level-headed clerics are sent to search for the Five Blades of Corusk, which if united will free Vatun from his prison (or so say the legends). Recent lore indicates a diabolical connection to Vatun’s prison, and so his clerics have become ardent foes of devils. Because of his imprisonment, Vatun’s clerics must be within ten feet of a torch-sized (or larger) flame to prepare or cast spells.   Domains: Nature, Tempest, War   Weapons: Battleaxe    


The Hopping Prophet, Hammer of False Humans, Demipower of Amphibians, Bigotry, and Self-Deception

LN (LE) Suel Demipower   Wastri (WAH-stree) is a violent proponent of human supremacy, causing many to believe he has ties to the Scarlet Brotherhood. Wearing clothes of gray and yellow, Wastri uses his great glaive-guisarme, Skewer of the Impure, to impale his favorite targets: dwarves, gnomes, and halflings. He looks like a human with toad features, and is accompanied by gray-clad followers and giant toads. Living in the Vast Swamp, he is amiable to any human god save Zagyg, whose mortal self once trapped him in a magical prison. His symbol is a gray toad. The fact that he dislikes nonhuman races, yet is only barely human himself; is an irony lost on the godling.  


Humans are superior to all other races. Orcs, goblins, bullywugs, and such are sufficient to serve humans, but creatures such as elves, dwarves, gnomes, and halflings deserve only death. Those who disagree with you are wrong and must be convinced of their error, with a weapon if need be. Those who live in the water and on land deserve respect, for having a refuge when one of your realms becomes too dangerous is clever and resourceful.  


Wastri’s clerics preach the superiority of humankind, seek out enclaves of inferiors to slay, and search for new species of amphibians to collect and study. Their bodies are gradually altered by Wastri’s presence, and the most powerful clerics become less human and more toad-like with time. They raise, tame, and train amphibians, favoring toads; some sell poisonous toads to wizards, alchemists, and assassins. His clerics serve as intermediaries to the many bullywug tribes that revere him.   Domains: Order, War   Weapons: Glaive
Religious, Pantheon


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