
The Dragon Queen, The Chromatic Dragon, Nemesis of the Gods. the Dark Lady, Queen of Chaos, the Undying Queen, Bane of Bahamut, The Avaricious, Takhisis

Symbol: Five-headed dragon (Tiamat)   Home Plane: Dragon's Eyrie   Alignment: Lawful evil   Portfolio: Evil dragons, evil reptiles, greed,   Worshipers: Chromatic dragons, evil dragons, evil reptiles, fighters, sorcerers, thieves, vandals   Cleric Alignments: LE, LN, NE   Domains: Evil, Law, Scalykind, Tyranny   Favored Weapon: A dragon head (heavy pick)     Tiamat (tee-a-maht) is a greedy, vain, and arrogant goddess who embodies all the strengths of her chromatic progeny but few of their weaknesses: She is entirely focused on the acquisition of personal power and wealth and views mortals. as hapless pawns in her struggles with other deities. She can be charming and fey when necessary, but her self-serving, evil, reptilian nature is readily apparent to those who look.   All evil dragons pay homage to Tiamat; green and blue dragons acknowledge her sovereignty the most readily. Good dragons have a healthy respect for Tiamat, though they usually avoid mentioning her or even thinking about her. In her natural form, Tiamat is a thick-bodied dragon with five heads and a wyvern's tail. Each head is a different color: white, black, green, blue, and red. Her massive body is striped in those colors.   Tiamat has many consorts, including great wyrm dragons of the white, black, green, blue, and red varieties.    

Appearance, Manifestations

Tiamat has favored two forms throughout history: the Dark Lady and the Chromatic Dragon. The Dark Lady appears as a human with long, dark hair and dark robes. She has a majestic beauty, a seductive smile, and totally black eyes.   The Chromatic Dragon is a nightmarish amalgamation of a monstrous draconic body on four legs that has five writhing necks and heads, each corresponding to one of the species of chromatic dragons. Each head's color runs the length of the neck and into the forepart of her body as strips, gradually blending to three stripes of gray, blue-green, and purple over her back and hindquarters, then merging into a muddy dark brown tail. Her underbelly and legs are greenish white fading into her upper body colors.    


Rival deities of all creeds and from every pantheon are inherently tyrannical. They seek only power, at any cost, despite their honeyed words. The Dragon Queen is the only being powerful enough to, defy the gods and overthrow their despotic rule. Work tirelessly toward the day when Tiamat will banish the gods from the world and unite the world under her rule. To overthrow the gods requires power, and power is acquired through the accumulation of wealth and magic. Power demands respect. Chromatic dragons everywhere are to be venerated as the spawn of the Dragon Queen and paid homage. When Tiamat assumes her throne, her draconic children shall serve her as dukes, and her clergy their mortal vassals.    


Priests of Tiamat are primarily occupied by the twin tasks of acquiring an ever-increasing hoard of wealth for the faith and sabotaging the faiths of other powers. As a result, they occupy most of their waking hours with an unending series of thefts, assassinations, acts of vandalism, and arson.   Tiamat accepts only evil clerics. Tiamat's clerics, like Tiamat herself, seek to place the world under the domination of evil dragons.    


The ceremonial garb of most clergy of Tiamat is a form-fitting body suit of reptile skin, preferably hewn from the hide of a great metallic wyrm, and a gem-encrusted dragon mask depicting the stylized image of one of the great chromatic beasts. Diaphanous, multihued cloaks of woven spider silk are draped over the back to suggest wings. Steel gauntlets, tinted red and painted to resemble dragon's claws, guard the hands. Snakeskin boots complete the ensemble. For all priests, the symbol of Tiamat is usually worn formed into a piece of jewelry for use as a holy symbol.    


Though most evil dragons honor Tiamat, few keep shrines dedicated to her in their lairs because they don't want Tiamat's greedy eyes gazing at their treasure hoards. Instead, they dedicate vast, gloomy caverns to their deity and keep them stocked with treasure and sacrifices. Her human cultists are outlawed in most regions, their temples and shrines hidden and unseen.    

Holy Days/Important Ceremonies

Members of Tiamat's clergy perform numerous daily ceremonies in homage to their mistress. The two most widespread are known as the Tithing and the Rite of Respect. Once per day each priest of Tiamat must offer a small tithe, typically several gold coins or a small gem. The tithe is hidden in the priest's cupped hands and a small prayer is offered. When the prayer is completed and the hands unfurled, there is a chance the offering has vanished. On days when it is taken, the clergy consider themselves and their efforts particularly blessed.   The Rite of Respect is a complicated ritual of abasement and appeasement that must be performed while approaching any spawn of the Dragon Queen This ceremony does not provide any ritualistic protection from the wyrm's fury, but failure to perform the ceremony with rigorous perfection is sure to draw the reptile's ire.    

Affiliated Orders

The Serpent Guards are a fellowship of warriors and crusaders. Fanatically devoted to the Dragon Queen and her spawn, the Serpent Guards guard the cult's temples, hunt down and kill interlopers who inquire too deeply into the affairs, and carry on a campaign of assassination and theft against individuals and churches.   The Knights of the Five-Thorned Rose are an elite order of high-ranking crusaders drawn from the ranks of the Serpent Guards. Dedicated to the destruction of metallic dragons, the spawn of Bahamut, these dark warrior-priests are the bane of good-aligned dragons throughout the Realms.   Commanders of the Order plan out centuries-long hunts for good-aligned wyrms and waves of assaults against each individual dragon's lair. These persistent, seemingly inexhaustible, assaults are taking a great toll on the population of the world's good dragons.
Divine Classification
Lesser Draconic Deity


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