Tigran Gellner

Tigran is 37 years old, 6'1", 205 lbs., and shaves his scalp-not that he has much of his blond hair left anyway. He has deep blue eyes, hands like shovels, and is gruff and to the point. However, he is smart, with an excellent grasp of tactics and strategy, and loves nothing better than a good scrap. He is a follower of Pholtus, however, and keeps his troops in very strict order. His parade inspections of equipment and dress are greatly feared by his men.   He is wholly loyal to Greyhawk, is treated with respect by Gasgal and the other Directors, and his troops-while grumbling about his strictness-greatly respect and admire him, and know that he does not risk anyone's life without considerable forethought.   Tigran has a very good grasp of strategic considerations involving defense of Domain of Greyhawk. He is an intellectual commander with large library on military topics and respected by the Greyhawk Militia for his strictness, bluntness. and sense of order. He created the Mountaineer Militia and Hardby Marines and believes Orcish Empire of the Pomarj is Greyhawk's greatest external threat. He recently married a cleric of Pholtus.


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