Tuov Pantheon

The Tuov live in the Hepmonaland. These people have black to dark brown skin tones. The typical Tuov is solidly built, with high cheekbones, broad shoulders, and dark skin. Their dark hair (which frequently turns prematurely white) is often worn in long braids or other elaborate styles, and decorated with fine jewelry.   Many of the Tuov in the Flanaess arrived generations ago, and while some worship the Tuov Gods, most, at least publicly, have adopted the common Flanaess Pantheon. The Tuov Pantheon is virtually unknown in the Flanaess. From interviews and artifacts brought out of the jungle continent, the names of some of the "common" Tuov gods of the Hepmonaland are known, but there is little detail about the gods or their worship.   Because little is known of the Tuov or Olman cultures and worship, the information here is not as detailed as with the common cultures of the Flanaess. This may not even be the entire pantheon. Dogma and other details may be interpreted from the given information, but only the Olman know their secrets.    

The Known Tuov Pantheon

  • Uvot, NG God of Prosperity
  • Breeka, N Goddess of Living Things
  • Nola, NG Goddess of the Sun
  • Vogan, CG God of Weather and Storms
  • Berna, CN Goddess of Passion and Forgiveness
  • Katay, LN God of Decay, Inevitability, Order, and Time
  • Kundo, LG God of Building, Noise, Music, and Defense
  • Meyanok, NE God of Serpents, Poison, Discord, Darkness, and Famine
  • Xanag, N Goddess of Metals and Beauty
  • Damaran, NE Demipower of Vermin and Cowardice
  • Vara, NE Demipower of Nightmares and Fear

Creation Story Of the Touv Pantheon

"This we are told:   "In the early days before the first true people, the Tuov, walked the bountiful earth, the world was lonely and had no soul. The green growing things, and the animals that walked, flew or swam, and the gifs of the earth, all lived and grew until Uvot, the spirit of the land's bounty, rose as a great noise from the earth and from all that was on it and in it. He thanked the warm sun for blessing the land, that it might create him, and in giving thanks he awoke Nola, the sun-goddess. Then a gentle rain fell and gave its gift of Water to the land. Uvot thanked the Storm for its giving, and in doing so he named and shaped Vogan, the blessed rain.   "Nola and Vogan admired each other, the aspect of one complementing the other, both enriching Uvot. With Vogun's help, Nola gave birth to Breeka, lady of the beasts and plants. Breeka herself brought forth Katay, the force of inevitable death, rot and rebirth. Uvot blessed Nola and she bore Xanag, the metallic spirit that shines with the fire of her mother. Xanag's beauty enchanted fickle Vogan, and the union of storm and metal brought Kundo, spirit of noise, music and the hardiness of budding.   "Kundo built two great disks, one for his mother Xanag and one to honor his grandmother, and placed them in the sky so that all would remember Nola's light and beauty when she slept. Katay remarked on how they Spun, and recorded their patterns on a great wheel given to him by Xanag.   "Breeka slept, tired after the strain of birthing Katay. Her birthing pains resonated in her mind and body, and in the darkness was born Meyanok, the diseased serpent. Of all the first spirits, he was the only one not born under Nola's light, and he resented this. He laid three eggs of his own., his lust mating with his anger. These eggs broke to reveal Vara, the fear in the darkness: Damaran, the vermin that scuttles; and Bema, the hateful vendetta.   "Meyanok sent his young forth to corrupt the elders of his family. Vara visited Breeka, her grandmother, and wracked her with nightmares. Breeka vomited forth the stuff of her dreams, which hid in the spaces between the trees and under the shadows, and the land became a dangerous place at night. Damaran sought out Kundo and infested his home with crawling and biting things, but fled when confronted.   :"Berna was sent to Xanag, but when the fire of metal revealed self to Berna, the daughter of Meyanok was amazed by her elder's beauty. She realized that she could not hate such a lovely being, and threw herself at Xanag's feet, offering her in shame at what she had almost done, Xanag took pity on the daughter of the serpent, and gave her a heart of red gold. Berna was transformed from a spirit of hate into one of passion.   "And that is the story of our great spirits came to be. So it is told, so you have heard."    

Details of Touv Powers

The spirits of the Touv pantheon maintain contact with their worshippers through clerics, priests and shamans. There are numerous lesser spirits not detailed here, such those of individual land features, plants and animals; many shamans learn the ways of the lesser spirits critical to the survival of their people rather than following the more generalized, greater spirits,    


CN Demipower of Passion and Forgiveness

(Formerly of Hatred and Vendettas)

Tuov Demipower   Berna is the third child of Meyanok the serpent-god and originally a power of dark emotions and unrelenting vengeance. Sent to kill or corrupt Xanag, she instead was awed by the goddess' beauty, and with help was transformed into less malevolent aspect of herself. She now is the patron of all strong emotions, both positive and negative, as well as the forgiving of wrongs. She is depicted as a Touv woman wearing the skin of jungle cat, with a bright red—gold heart shining from her chest.  


The priests of Berna are in tune with the emotions of the people. They help young couples in love find acceptance, work with artists to realize their visions and raise morale during times of strife. They also soothe the wounds of victims and preach acceptance of new friendships over remembrance of old wrongs.   Domain: Life   Weapon: Shortsword    


N Goddess of Living Things

Intermediate Tuov Deity   Breeka is the daughter of Nola and Vogan - the mixture of rain and sunlight With the eartbh producing animals and plants of the world. Unlike Uvot, who represents the rewards the land gives, Breeka manifests all aspects of nature, indifferent and harmful. She is a troubled goddess, beset by nightmares, accidental parent to an evil god and many terrible monsters. She is depicted as a middle-aged woman with dark green skin and many worry lines on her face.  


Breeka's priests are distant, brooding types, reflecting on their duties to people and to the natural world. If a settlement must clear land for farming or cattle, the priest of Breeka warns the animals away, transplants important vegetation, or directs the humans to a site that will cause the least amount of disruption.   Domain: Nature   Weapons: Quarterstaff    


NE Demipower of Vermin and Cowardice

Tuov Demipower   Damaran is the god of vermin and octer creeping things, as well as the flight-instinct necessary to survival. He unquestioningly obeys his father Meyanok and is easily browbeaten into obedience by his older sister Vara, although he often runs away when confronted by enemies. Damaran is shown as a strong Tour with a skulking look about him, often accompanied by rats and insects.  


The priests and shamans of Damaran are survivors - they know how to find food in the strangest and most disgusting places, and thrive where no one could be expected to live. They serve their communities in times of famine, and often lead the reclusive tribes hidden in the deepest jungles. They can call hordes of vermin on those who anger them, or in service to another.   Domain: Trickery   Weapon: Javelin    


LN god of decay, inevitability, order and time

Lesser Tuov Deity   Born of Brecka without a father, Katay represents the relentless cycle of birth, rot and death in his mother's realm, as well as the time that tugs on all living things. He is the inventor of the Touv calendar, and records events upon the metallic wheel given to him by Xanag. Katay is shown as an elderly man with youthful eyes, wearing a decaying animal pelt and carrying a great copper disk inscribed with Touv runes.  


Katay's priests are the record keepers of the Touv people, recording births, deaths, great events and weather phenomena for later study. They preside over births and funerals, and uphold the laws of the people.   Domain: Death, Grave, Knowledge   Weapon: Dagger    


LG Lesser God of Building, Noise, Music, and Defense

Lesser Tuov Deity   Kundo is the union of storm and metal - an assault upon the ears and protective shelter. He is a guardian god, loud and boisterous, obsessed with building and construction. Depictions of Kundo show him as a laughing Touv man bearing a great shield on one arm and a cluster of saplings under the other.  


The priests and shamans of Kundo build shelters for the poor, teach traditional songs, and strive to protect the people from the dangers or the world. They see themselves as protectors of the weak, and a priest of Kundo will go to great lengths to save those in danger.   Domain: Forge, Knowledge   Weapon: Shortsword    


NE (CE) lesser god of serpents, poison, discord, darkness and famine

Lesser Tuov Deity   Meyanok, born of darkness and pain, is the progenitor of all other evil gods of the Touv pantheon. He seeks to corrupt the rest of his family control or destroy their servants, preferring subterfuge to overt action since he is outnumbered. He is always shown as a serpent coiled around a skull.  


Priests and shamans of the serpent god are reclusive and don't often deal with strangers, at least not openly. They work through agents, many of whom are charmed, to disrupt civilization and harm the worshippers of other gods, and have been known to make human sacrifices.   Domain: Death, Trickery   Weapon: Dagger    


NG intermediate goddess of the Sun

Intermediate Tuov God   Nola is the first being created by Uvot. She represents the life-giving power of sunlight and its ability to reveal things hidden in the dark. A nurturing deity, she abhors deadly cold and those who destroy things before they have chance to come to fruition. She is pictured as a Touv woman of serene beauty, her head surrounded by a corona of flame.  


Nola's priests and shamans are concerned with the growth and development of living things, especially children. Adventuring priests often see themselves in a parental role, watching over their adventuring companions and seeing to their maturation.   Domain: Life, Light   Weapon: Javelin    


NG Greater God of Creation and Prosperity

Greater Tuov God   Uvot is the Creator and leader of the Touv pantheon. He personifies the bounty of the land and the prosperity to be gained by utilizing its gifts. He is the antithesis of destruction, and his priest's are never allowed to use spells that cause wanton destruction. He is normally portrayed a Touv child surrounded by fruits, grains and crafted items, or as a giant Touv man carrying these items in his arms.  


Uvot's priests and shamans are resourceful individuals who use their talents and knowledge to help their people prosper. They teach medicine, bless marriages, and give advice on crops, finding water, hunting and utilizing available resources. Their advice is not always asked for but it is almost always right.   Domain: Life, Nature, Peace   Weapon: Scythe    


NE (LE) Demipower of Nightmares and Fear

Tuov Demipower   Vara is the first child of the evil spirit Meyanok, and she considers herself superior to her siblings, uses her birth-status and her powers to get them to do her bidding. Vara shares her father's hatred of the other great spirits of the Touv pantheon, and relishes the opportunity to twist their minds. She prefers to depicted as a Touv woman with stars in her hair and red eyes.  


The priests and shamans of Vara rule through fear and oppression. Those who follow them willingly are people who enjoy the lives of others miserable. They are tyrants or bullies, often acting as the enforcement agents of a cruel leader.   Domain: Trickery   Weapon: Javelin    


CG (N) intermediate god of weather and storms

Intermediate Tuov deity   Vogan is the temperamental Touv god of rain, storms and water, and the need of living things for moisture. He is worshipped to bring necessary rains and to stave off the worst storms. He is shown a Tuov man with laughing eyes and hair made of cascading water.  


Vogan's priests: Vogan's holy men clean befouled streams and ponds, discover sources of clean water, and arrange marriages between families, clans and tribes - the god's roving eye and wandering nature is mirrored by his priests who note which people might be good matches.   Domain: Tempest   Weapon: Spear    


N lesser goddess of metals and beauty

Lesser Tuov Deity   Xanag represents the of earth transformed by fire - metal - and the beauty of things made from it. She is an indifferent goddess, often distracted by superficialities. She is always shown as a Touv woman seemingly made of gold, surrounded by a radiant light.  


Xanag's Priests: Priests of Xanag are workers of metal or appreciate fine things and objects of beauty. They teach the secrets of metalsmithing and the crafting of jewelry, and lovers pray to Xanag, and priests of Xanag officiate marriages.   Domain: Forge   Weapon: Shortsword
Religious, Pantheon


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