Winera's Journal

This seems to be a journal or diary of a mage named Winera.   This is an outrage. How dare they run me out of the University and the city. So he's a wealthy merchant. He should know what goods he's selling, his daughter wasn't that good, she needs more training. Who would have thought she'd break the charm, vapid pinhead that she was.   Luckily, I caught wind of it before they could corner me. I saw the merchant and his family approaching the University of Magical Arts with the Clerksberg watch. I had enough time to snatch a bag of holding disguising myself as Jerraf, loser that he is. Imagine them placing me with mere apprentices, they should have seen my brilliance. One more slight to pay back when I reach my potential.   As the family entered the University, no one noticed the young woman leaving. Disguise self is such a useful spell. I had to make it to the gates and out before the alarm was raised. In a city such as Greyhawk, they say the gate guards have methods of detecting magical evasions.   Outside the gates, I actually felt free of all the boring lectures and insufferable apprentices who just didn't understand their own power. However, the first difficulty would be to get far enough away from the city to be able to lie low, preferably with food and shelter. I wouldn't be able to use my considerable talents as an enchanter, that would be the first thing they looked for. No point in leaving less intelligent people a trail of breadcrumbs.     Following this is a long diatribe as Winera makes his way across the Near Domain by hook or by crook, complaining all the way about the stupidity and gullibility of people.   …………………………………………………………..     So I now find myself well past the dismal mining town of Blackstone. These people are wretched. I am far enough away from the city that now I feel I can begin to plot my revenge. I came upon an old cairn. It's eerie. The wind makes it sound like there is whispering throughout the cairn. Even past the point where the wind should be present, a slight gust blows, though in no one direction. The whispering never fades.   After taking care of some large spiders, I found a large tomb area. The sarcophagus detects as magical, I'll leave it alone for now. Seven halls stretch out in all directions and in most of them are hanging lanterns of various colors, some are missing. The green lantern glows, and detects as magical. Under the blue lantern is a pile of bones, definitely from more than one person, but I detect no magic, the trap must have been spent. I snatched the lantern, hopefully the magic won't reset. Now to find a nearby place so that I can continue the exploration. There has to be more treasure, but even with my abilities, I will need to be careful.   I've found a mining shack about two miles southeast of the whispering cairn. The sign says "Fant Mining Office". It must have closed years ago. The cellar is dry and secure. I can lug some of the salvageable furnishings down here, a bit of mending and it can work as base.   Luck and Fate shine on me again. I came across a small band of goblins, charming their leader, they now work for me, at least as long as the leader remains my servant. I have sent them out to chop lumber. They are going to repair this building for me, though their small minds probably haven't figured that out yet.   Under the charm, the goblin leader revealed that he was from the Red Hand tribe, and that they lair a few miles north-northeast. I am starting a crude map of the area.  
  Strange, the goblin leader seems to agree with me on repairing the mining office. He also had a few of his goblins check out the mine, which he reports has played out. Who would have believed that goblins knew about mining? Anyhow, I think I've snapped his little mind. I haven't renewed the charm, but he's following directions anyway.


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