
The Mad Arch-Mage, CN (CG) Demipower of Humor, Eccentricity, Occult Lore, and Unpredictability

Symbol: Rune of insanity   Home Plane: Outlands (Concordant Opposition)   Alignment: Chaotic Neutral   Portfolio: Humor, eccentricity, occult lore, unpredictability   Worshipers: Wizards, mages, eccentric spellcasters   Cleric Alignments: CN, CG, CE, N   Domains: Arcana, Knowledge, Trickery   Favored Weapon: Club     Zagyg the Mad is the god of wizardry, wild magic and crazy pranks. He is not widely worshiped, but features widely in stories and jokes.   Zagyg (ZA-gig) was once Zagig Yragerne, the most famous lord mayor of the city of Greyhawk. Part of his apotheosis required the capture of nine demigods of opposing alignments (including Iuz, Merikka, Wastri, and Rudd). While some of these demigods were freed by a group of adventurers, their temporary confinement (and Boccob’s sponsorship) was sufficient to allow Zagig’s ascendance. Eccentric and likely insane when a mortal, he chose the rune of insanity as his symbol. He favors dark blue and silver but has little constancy in his physical depictions.   He is an ascended mortal sponsored by Boccob, and serves his divine sponsor. Somehow, despite his seeming madness, Zagyg completes every assignment that Boccob gives him.    

Appearance, Manifestations

Zagyg's appearance varies, though he is usually garbed in blue and silver. He is likely to appear with a vorpal sword in one hand and a wand of wonder in the other. Cursed items that he wears tend to affect his opponents rather than himself. As a mortal, Zagyg was a short, heavyset human with round, often flushed, face.    

Relationships & History

Zagyg is a servant of Boccob. Many of those that Zagyg imprisoned (including Fraz-Urb'luu, Merikka, Iuz, Rudd, Wastri, and Zuoken) feel anything from opposition to utter hatred toward him. Although Olidammara retains no hard feelings over the episode, appreciating the wit the Mad Arch-Mage showed in their duel.   As the founder of the Company of Seven, Zagyg is a former adventuring comrade of Heward, Keoghtom, Murlynd, Nolzur, Quaal, and Tasha. He was, for a time, apprenticed to Lyzandred. He is kin to Heward and Mordenkainen and the adoptive father of Yrag the Lord. He is also on good terms with Celestian.   Zagyg is also the founder of the Ring of Five, though this alliance seems to have broken up in recent years. Zagyg can be found visiting or exploring with Keoghtom and Murlynd, with Keoghtom, Murlynd, and Mordenkainen, with Keoghtom and Mordenkainen, with Keoghtom and Heward, or with Celestian and Keoghtom.    


All deserve and need to be entertained and surprised by humor, although preferably in a manner that leaves them wondering for some time; to provide this service is of the highest priority. The quest for odd bits of information on magic is of utmost importance, and above all one should live a life of unpredictability and abstain from repetitive habits. The various small clusters of his faith focus on one type of humor for a time, then abandon it when they believe it perfected, only to take it up again after a seemingly random interval.    

Worshipers, Clergy & Temples

The various small clusters of his faith focus on one type of humor for a time, then abandon it when they believe it perfected, only to take it up again after a seemingly random interval. Zagyg's few clerics enjoy bringing strangeness and humor to the lives of those around them, especially those in need of comedy to lift up their dulled souls. Many work as bards, travel far when their jokes are misunderstood or cause offense, and try to uncover lost magical knowledge. Most have at least one odd personal quirk, although whether this is an actual trait or one affected solely for the observer is debatable.    


Zagyg’s few clerics enjoy bringing strangeness and humor to the lives of those around them, especially those in need of comedy to lift up their dulled souls. Many work as bards, travel far when their jokes are misunderstood or cause offense, and try to uncover lost magical knowledge. Most have at least one odd personal quirk, although whether this is an actual trait or one affected solely for the observer is debatable.    


Like their deity, clerics favor dark blue and silver, but are inconsistent in their wardrobe.    


One of Zagyg's few temples, the House of Zagyg, is a bizarre edifice with slanted, windowless walls, a skewed door, and an eccentric color scheme - purple, yellow, red, and pink. The floor is angled as well, the legs of the furniture cut to compensate. The temple is run by Abbot Kormath Burrsten; there were two other abbots, but they are "on sabbatical."
Divine Classification
Human Ascendant Demipower


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