All Our Dark Tomorrows

General Summary

Knights Vigilant Adventures:
All Our Dark Tomorrows


1: Flash in the Pan


Greetings, True Believers!


It's summer in Manhattan, a sunny day brushed over with a dab of gray clouds brushing the majestic steel skyline. Beneath the sunlight, weeks of preparation along the shores of the Central Park Lake resulted in the great erection of one of the most notable of Stark Enterprise assets, the travelling portion of the Stark Tech Expo!


Thousands have gathered, as the most remarkable minds and inventions have come to be presented. As the noise of the crowds can be heard just beneath the opening music for various innovative technological and scientific exhibits, a dire plan - one that may threatens thousands of people - begins to unfold.

Trickshot: I'd like a new holographic identity for this job, something that'll blend in to the crowd and not draw attention.
Weasel: I've got just the thing!
Music background: {Flash's Theme by Queen}
— AAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaah! He'll save every one of us! "Flash in the Pan", Friday, June 25th, 2010
Taki: Raffleeeeseeea arnoldie?
Spiderlily: No, rafflesia arnoldii!
Taki: Raffles seeum arnoldy?
— endangered plant as hostage and one of the Knights Vigilant cannot pronounce its name; "Flash in the Pan", Friday, June 25th, 2010
Dr. Cavendish (raving mad scientist being led slowly away by Taki): "As long as he doesn't touch my invention... cause ... the defense mechanism.."
Sahara (standing at the controls of said invention, tinkering with them): ... defense mechanism?! What?
— The More You Know: Sahara, Taki, and Statesman take on a mad scientist in "Flash in the Pan", Friday, June 25th, 2010
Taki: Hey, Sahara.
Taki: I think Statesman and Basement Man are dating.
Sahara: Don't distract me! ... but, yeah, they're pretty close.
Taki: {to self} Everyone already knew but me. I am slow!
Weasel and Statesman/Trickshot have been fussing at each other on the conference call; "Flash in the Pan", Friday, June 25th, 2010
series of explosions rock the building
a large chunk of the 3rd floor has been destroyed
Through the smoke a very angry woman stalks, wearing businesslike pantsuit with a little nametag, her skin is very pale and her hair is amberish-colored. She stalks through the hole in the wall, says something, her clothes shed away to reveal writhing thorny green mass of body armor as she wipes away the flesh-tone makeup. Yay, it's Spiderlily. With body armor. She rolls four small spheres across the ground which also explode.
She's targeting a big device with a huge metal sphere with large feet and windows or lights or something. She's screeching something about kidnapper/butcher/murderer while attacking Dr. Augustus Nero Cavendish.
To the crowd she says, "If any of you are willing to stand up for what's right and what's just, that man is a kidnapper! He is a butcher! He is putting an end to ENDANGERED SPECIES for his little pet project!"
rare flower: rafflseea arnoldi
somebody left out the back of the building with maybe some equipment
- Taki's and Kara's increasingly nonlinear notes


2: Nero Death Experience


Greetings, True Believers!


It's the fourth week since the attack on the Maria Stark Exhibition Hall. Smoke and noise from the recovery crews rounding up the wreckage, still linger over that section of the Manhattan skyline, marring an otherwise bright, sunny view of Central Park.


In the efforts of safety, Stark Enterprises oversees the recovery and testing of the debris, certifying the safety of both natives and visitors to New York - that the incident not so long ago will have no lasting result.


Meanwhile, in a chaotic media circus only a mere six blocks away, the pre-trail hearing for the State vs Dr. Augustis Nero Cavendish is about to begin. Just leaving the courthouse is none other than Tony Stark, who - as Iron Man - personally escorted Dr. Susan McIverson - also known as the infamous criminal Spider Lily - to appear today. For, in a surprising turn of developments, Dr. McIverson is to turn State's evidence against the deranged Dr. Cavendish!


One can only wonder, with such as the likes of Iron Man and New York's finest in attendance, just what could possibly happen? Will Spider Lilly actually testify on behalf of the State? What will become of Dr. Cavendish? And what of the mysterious event that befell the Hammer Empire commando team, four weeks ago?


Could it happen again ... even here ... even now?

Don't worry: the Knights Vigilant are ever vigilant!
Trickshot as Statesman typed this (voluntarily!) on Facebook in a message to Spiderlily; "Knights Vigilant: All Our Dark Tomorrows, part 2: Nero Death Experience"; Friday, July 9th, 2010
Six blocks from Central Park is the NYC Courthouse, which is mobbed by press documenting Mr. Stark escorting Spiderlily (along with the new commander of Code Blue: Hirokoma Kozu.)
A note concealed in the morning newspaper (in the classified ads) interested us more -- the one where Spiderlily specifically requested the Knights Vigilants' help. She is convinced someone or someones are trying to kill her before she can turn state's evidence
DA is Morgan Dubois, no love lost for supervillains, especially explosive types like Dr. Cavendish. Public Defendant is Raymond Shelley. Judge is Simon Howell, and ordered no cameras, and threatens to clear the courtroom if people won't shut up.
Code Blue guys aim at Spiderlily, one of the bailiffs, and the packed audience here to see the pretrial testification (including disguised Statesman, but not disguised-as-wall-panel Sahara). The judge whips out a taser AND a grenade, and says, "It's all right, all charges to chain detonation, two minute intervals, maximum psychological effect. Bring them," gestures toward lawyers, "and release the good Dr. Cavendish. We need to report to Maximus as soon as possible."
Found a bag stuffed w/ folders with evidence markers from evidence lockers and DVDs
Phone records of Dr Cavendish and a number that police were unable to trace down, correlated to someone who was footing his bill for Super Device of Villainy
shipping of device originally came from warehouse in Metropolis that handles foreign export; a warehouse in NYC owned by same company, Lazarus Mercantile.
- Taki's and Kara's increasingly nonlinear notes


3: Paying the Piper


Greetings True Believers!


It’s a hot Friday afternoon in Manhattan, where the Stark Technology Expo is in full swing on yet another week. Crowds from all over have gathered in Central Park, for today is the unveiling of the “Green” exhibits. Breakthroughs in Robotics, Biology and other technologies are all on display! Excitement is at an all time high, with much of the press in attendance to cover these revolutionary inventions!


But more sinister forces have planned their own show. Soon an “Expo of Deception and Villainy” will lift its curtain, spelling certain danger for the city and perhaps beyond!


Will our heroes, the Knight’s Vigilant, uncover the plot in time … before it’s too late?


Stay tuned … and find out! I'm Not Stan Lee... but your Narrator saying ...

... and one of them was resisting arrest! ... even though he did not know he was being arrested ...
Taki on the process of super-heroic 'law enforcement; "All Our Dark Tomorrows" part 3: "Paying the Piper", October 15th, 2010
GM: The rock guy gets up. He has had ABOUT ENOUGH of you!
Sahara: {wiggles fingers beckoningly}
Sahara: {mocking} Come on.
— Villain Kilimanjaro's gotten nothing but bad since Sahara arrived; "All Our Dark Tomorrows" part 3: "Paying the Piper", January 21st, 2011
When we left off, Sahara and Statesman are in the Biology and Sonics building, and there's a fight between them and Spiderlily and a music-based bubbles controller. Meanwhile, Taki is running into another building to investigate an explosion.
The explosion caused a hole in the floor of the Stark Industry Mining Suits display. I followed the hole into a tunnel, which in turn led to three individuals.
One of the individuals is clearly a descendant of a stone spirit. Another has a suit made of reptile skin. Behind them is a young woman in a reddish body suit with white trim; her black hair is tied up in a long braid, and her face is painted in white kabuki makeup. She has a pair of escrima sticks holstered on her back.
We have a polite conversation in Japanese about Statesman, as she is a long-time admirer of his and has left a "present" for him with intention for a future exchange.
I really do not want to have to fight these three alone. They say no Hammer Empire soldiers are here.
- Taki's and Kara's increasingly nonlinear notes

Character(s) interacted with

  • assorted Hammer Empire forces
  • assorted Golden Lotus forces
  • Dr. Augustus Nero Cavendish, Mad Nuclear Scientist
  • Spiderlily, Enraged and sometimes Mad Botanical Scientist
  available Knights Vigilant:
Report Date
25 Jun 2014
Primary Location


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