
Two ten-sided dice. The mostly blue die shows a one. The mostly brown die shows an 8.
2d10 by Jarissa

is the game mechanic system used in DC Heroes 3rd Edition, the ruleset on which Tales of Justice is based. It uses two ten-sided dice for every roll except Initiative.

When the pair of dice come up with the exact same digit on both dice in the same roll, one of two things happens:


Two ten-sided dice. The green die shows a one. The yellow die also shows a one.

Double Ones by Jarissa

Double ones!   This is a "Critical Botch" or "Critical Failure".   This is bad news.   Put the momentum down. Prepare for Pathos and the Gnashing of Teeth.  

Two ten-sided dice. One is black with a white 7. One is white with a black 7.

Double Sevens by Jarissa

These are doubles, but they are not double ones.   This is great news! (Usually.)   Show the GM. Roll again and add that number to this one.   Prepare to be fabulous!
Roll 2d10  
Special Cases

  Ongoing Series
In a roll-and-add series of doubles that started with any pair other than double ones, if a pair of ones do appear, they end the series. However! They do not turn the entire roll into a failure!
Add that final "two" to the ongoing total, stop rolling, and continue to be Fabulous.
This is a
House Rule
. In the official ruleset, any appearance of double ones was a failure.
  Reliability Number
Automatic abilities of Gadgets have to be checked upon first use per day/adventure of a Gadget that has a Reliability Number. Dice-based abilities of Gadgets are always subject to Reliability Checks.
In both cases, the first throw of the dice must total an amount higher than the R# listed. Should the R# happen to be 05, a pair of twos is still a failure -- the Gadget is damaged or malfunctioning somehow.
Stop rolling. Compare notes with the GM as to possible causes for the Gadget malfunction. Determine alternate course of action other than "use Gadget immediately".

General advisory:

Do not use the dice roller prompt box on the Forums.
Something is wrong with its ability to do math.
Use Dice Maiden on Discord, or use the die roller button on this Article and screenshot the result to paste in a message to the DM, or get video of using physical real-world dice, or any other solution.

Session Dice Log

GM Jarissa has not been able to see the Dice Log for about a year and a half now, maybe longer. It works fine when GM C. B. Ash is the adventure GM. We do not know why this problem exists; we have decided it is not worth the effort on our end to document the problem and complain to the World Anvil coding team. So many other things are more worthy of everyone's resources!
That does mean, though, that players might need to post their rolls in Discord, or else roll them on camera.

Dice Maiden on Discord:

Type "/roll" and then a space, then wait for Senpai Mistress Dice Maiden to notice you and react.
Continue typing "2d10". (Optional: Add a "!" followed by what
Dice Action
your roll represents. That entire line might look like
/roll 2d10!Recovery Check Body 3 vs Current Body 1
/roll 2d10!Bomb 4
or it might simply be
/roll 2d10
Then hit the "enter" button on the keyboard.
If this roll happens to be doubles, you will have to notice this yourself and take further steps.
/roll 2d10+██
— (( fill in the blank space with the total from the previous roll, if the previous roll was NOT Double Ones ))


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