Grip of the Mind Thieves, Chapter 3: Mental Mayhem! Report


VOL. CLIII . . . No. 72,238
The Local Region's Choice for 40 years
50 cents, Oct 1, 2009

General Summary


    by Oscar Locke  

The Central Park area was shocked today when the Museum of the City of New York came down with an unhealthy case of smoke!


At mid-day, patrons reported smoke billowing out of exhibit bases and displays inside the museum. Witnesses report that just before the smoke erupted, one of the Knights Vigilant was seen racing into the front of the museum to speak with security. However, neither museum security or the member of Knights Vigilant, Moon Knight, have been seen since.


The curator, Matt Spenser and his staff were the ones responsible for escorting the patrons out of the museum as per federal emergency guidelines. At the time of this reporting, the local fire department, NYFD Ladder 23 was arriving on scene. No proof exists yet, but rumor has it that a fire had started in the basement at or near the restoration room.


There is more to come as this story develops.



by Meil Ming  

Today, it was reported that a literal caravan of twelve SpecterCorp utility vehicles had broken down in the parking deck of the Mt. Sinai Hospital on 5th Avenue. That alone would seem strange but the arrival of the Knights Vigilant at the same time also raises eyebrows.


Meanwhile, inside the hospital, Dr. Hank McCoy was consulting with Dr. Pamela Isley over a quartet of NYC workers that had been moved to Mt. Sinai from Aquila Cadens Medical Research Center. This was part of a treatment regime to the four city employees for the mysterious meta-chemical that has plagued NY city utility workers for days.


Witnesses in the parking deck did report that the SpecterCorp employees seemed to exhibit similar signs of affliction as the NY city employees. No connection has been discovered yet, but the timing is hard to ignore. The mysterious meta-chemical had been rumored to be a byproduct of Oscorp or another medical firm. However, current event point toward a coordinated effort. A single goal or purpose behind these strange happenings.


However, what is known at this time is that the chemical produces a change in the victim's biology. It alters their DNA, and according to Dr. McCoy, activating any dormant meta-gene the person might possess. Depending on the purity of the chemical, the meta-gene activation may become permanent. In several cases, potentially lethal, as the the victim becomes overwhelmed by their own newfound powers.


But latest samples taken have shown a degraded or decreased potency in the meta-chemical being used. Whether this has been due to the chemical having a 'shelf-life' or being applied in smaller doses has yet to be determined. If its due to smaller or diluted doses, this could again point toward a person being behind these unusual and dangerous events.


Could the Knights Vigilant be dealing with a criminal mastermind? If so who?


More on this as information becomes available.




A dozen members of the Disco Boys were released from Cygnus Medical Center into police custody for questioning around the incident in Central Park on September 24th. At this time, they are not expected to be charged as they were possibly unsuspecting victims of the biology altering meta-chemical events.


Detective Kato MacHale of the Central Park precinct has been tapped as in charge of a local task force in conjunction with Code Blue. The task force's goal is uncovering the source of the meta-chemical that has been used in attacks against NY city employees and others in Central Park.

  FROM THE BLOTTER continued on page A6.  



In a day full of unusual situations, NYPD participated in a 'low speed' chase today. Just before mid-day, members of the Disco Boys along with two street vendors from Manhattan's Pier 1, stole two NYC garbage trucks and took them on a drive though downtown traffic.


The pair of trucks drove through two roadblocks before being stopped by an assist from Code Blue's 'Checkmate' unit. At the time they were stopped, neither the Disco Boys or the street vendors recall any actions involving the trucks.

  GARBAGE HIJINKS continued on page A5.



The 'Licensed Hero' bill moves forward through the city legislature today with the tentative provision of 'consulting hero' where a licensed hero would be considered a 'consulting expert' law enforcement could tap into as a resource when needed. Debates have begun in earnest over the legality of 'hero alliances' as it pertains to a court of law.

  COUNCIL DEBATE continued on page A3.



Day six of the Stark Enterprises Tech Expo is the winners of the Inventions of the Year program! Participants from around the area will be displaying their inventions from solar powered hydroponic gardens, to modular robotics, there's something for everyone!

  STARK TECH EXPO continued on page A4.



Local Hero Watchers spotted NYC's own sand-shapeshifting librarian hero, Sahara, was spotted out and about with a new vigilante...


The mysterious Bronze Tempest!


The pair was reported to have been tailing, and questioning SpecterCorp employees who, according to eye witnesses, had been acting unusual, if not mesmerized.


What was happening? Well, a little insight can be gleaned from an interview with one of SpecterCorp field techs.

  HERO ABOUT TOWN continued on page A9.


Grip of the Mind Thieves!
Bronze Tempest
Moon Knight
Player Journals
Crossword puzzles for fun and relaxation by Bronze Tempest
Coffee Date by Taki
Report Date
02 Oct 2020
Primary Location


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