Initiative Boost

adapted from "White book" page 96


This rule applies to a character determined to have an early Initiative, if not the absolutely earliest Initiative, in a single phase of combat.
Since this option can only be applied before any Initiative dice are rolled, it is wise to message the GM directly before the end of the previous phase that Hero Points are going to be spent before the next round. This puts them in a category with Desperation Recovery and the earliest possible activation of Automatic Powers.

Let's do this! I want to beat Statesman to the punch!

— - Kamikaze Clyde of the Freakshow


Statesman by CB Ash


You come into my house with a corniness quotient that pathetic?

And you think I'm going to waste my Hero Points to stay one step ahead of a slow thinker like you?


Before any Initiatives are rolled for this phase of combat, every participant can spend their banked Hero Points or Villain Points on an increase in their Initiative at a one-for-one rate.
The only limit is the amount of points that the character has available to spend!
The person doing the Boosting must announce their amount of increase publicly, whether the expenditure is by Player or by Gamemaster, so that other participants can make an informed decision as to whether they also wish to Boost their Initiative.

Yeah, man!

Ten Hero Points to jump up my Initiative by ten!

— - Kamikaze Clyde of the Freakshow

"Hero" points?

What ever, man.
Villain Points!


Look out, Captain Cowl! Here it comes!

— - Kamikaze Clyde of the Freakshow


Statesman by CB Ash

Could I please go back to fighting Disco Boys? I never thought I'd miss them.

Compared to this villain, though, they're a legitimate threat.

Also they're stylish.

Just to be clear: Are you spending any of your Hero Points on an Initiative Boost?

Statesman by CB Ash




— - Kamikaze Clyde of the Freakshow pauses to consider his unchallenged Boost

Make that nineteen Villain Points!

— - Kamikaze Clyde of the Freakshow increases his Initiative Boost


Statesman by CB Ash

Still no boost for me.



— - Kamikaze Clyde of the Freakshow, infuriated

No; you do not have thirty-nine banked Villain Points at this time.

Oh. Right. Sorry.

I'll, uh, I'll stick at Initiative Boost 19.

— - Kamikaze Clyde of the Freakshow


Statesman by CB Ash

Does that mean we're ready to roll Initiative?


Yeah! All right!
Base Initiative of 11, plus a roll of six makes 17, plus my Initiative Boost of 19 makes


I win!

— - Kamikaze Clyde of the Freakshow


Statesman by CB Ash

GM, he looks so happy. Let's pretend I only rolled a 3.
Initiative 24.


Time to smash!

With my Cybernetic Blades!

— - Kamikaze Clyde of the Freakshow


Statesman by CB Ash

Uh huh.

I yank open this car door to Block.


Hey! That's not fair! I won the Initiative Boost!

— - Kamikaze Clyde of the Freakshow

As Statesman is about to prove, having the first initiative may be of some advantage -- for one thing, it allows Initiative Maneuvers -- but ultimately what matters is who ends the fight. Only in the rarest of circumstances will the best strategy be to blow all of one's Hero or Villain Points on an Initiative Boost.



  • 1 HP per +1 increase to Initiative for one phase

Compatible with


I mean.
Do what you gotta do!
I'm still going first, though.
— - the Hero of Metropolis
was not permitted
to assist in this demonstration
because of his Superspeed.


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