NYPD "Central Park Ooze" Case Folder

This plain manila file folder contains information from the attack at the Manhattan pier and at the Museum of Natural History, site of the first museum assault.  

Digital Photos!

  These photos are of what happened in the museum. Based on the digital pictures, Styrofoam duplicates were made of the New York City diorama housed at that museum. Some of the duplicates has firecrackers lit at what seems to be precise locations at the base of the duplicates.   A series of case numbers suggest the NYPD actually have the Styrofoam diorama duplicates shown in the photos!  

Notes on an Unusual Neckband!

  This document has a brief overview of a mysterious neckband recovered from one of the security guards at the museum. This matches neckbands recovered at the pier and other locations where mesmerized victims of Overmind have appeared.   The diagram shown in the report is complex but some components look to be rather innovative uses of security system components. Especially those marked with the SpecterCorp logo. There is also an uncanny resemblance to some of the technology Tesla Coil invented for his C.O.I.L. armor and S.P.I.D.E.R. robots...   Along with the folder is one of the many neckbands the NYPD recovered off of mesmerized victims.  

Copy of an Interrogation!

  This is a transcript of an interrogation of a member of the Disco Boys. One Lester "Lenny" Bruin who was hired by a "Silk Sphinx" to collar security guards (mostly). They did do the job, but some of the gang decided to "sample the wares" of the orange ooze. Which, Lenny now regrets letting them give it a shot to "see if they could get some powers, too".   Lenny mentions that Silk Sphinx, nice looking lady, sometimes talked to herself. Maybe over a headset? Kept talking to a 'Hathor', whoever that was. Once there was this guy in all black armor. Looked like 'beetle-like' plate armor. Guy didn't say much. When he did, just asked about Moon Knight's 'territory'.


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