Teamwork is the Answer

At least, Orko thinks so, and damn near everything he touched in Man-at-Arms' workshop went BOOM.


If multiple Characters with the Gadgetry Skill are all working on a single Gadget at the same time, they have several options. Either one gadgeteer can work on installing one Ability while the other gadgeteers work on other Abilities (once the Body has been finished, of course!), or two or more gadgeteers can team up to install the same Ability.


This is a lot like cooking. When multiple people work together on a meal, it can turn out really great, or it can wind up with double seasoning and the cabinets on fire.


If the team of gadgeteers go for Option A (everybody work on separate component Abilities at the same time), the advantage is that the Gadget can be completed in a lot less time. Anyone on the team who fails his Gadgetry Check will be responsible for paying the 10 point Failure Penalty, even if another member of the team makes the subsequent attempt.


If the team of gadgeteers go for Option B (everybody work on installing one Ability jointly), the highest Skill level present is used as the AV and EV of the attempt, but the OV of the effort receives negative Column Shifts according to the Team Attack chart on the GM screen: 2 Characters working together get a -1 Column Shift to the OV, three or four Characters working together get -2 Column Shifts to the OV, and so on. The RV remains unchanged by teamwork ... but all the team needs is to get one RAP.


Multiple gadgeteers working on the same item may split its final Hero Point Cost between themselves as they see fit, and all gadgeteers may attempt to purchase the parts necessary to build the device.


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