The Character Sheet or "Creating a Character"

The starting power level is 600 points. Fifty additional points may be awarded by the GMs (for spending at pre-play levels) for a written character history and description that gives team plot hooks and rounds out the concept into an interesting story.

  Extra points can be earned by picking up a few Drawbacks, just like in Champions or GURPS. Powers and Skills can also be limited in their function, to reduce their overall cost.  

Your methods may vary, but I've found that the simplest character creation process for me is to create my concept, write down an "Elevator Pitch" rendition -- (that's a summary of the character short enough to be related in one non-Dragon*Con ride in an elevator, interesting enough to make it worth further discussion) -- pick out the most concept-critical Powers, Skills, and Advantages to preserve the core of that character, and then see if I can afford it as I envisioned it.

  A note on Powers: If you don't see the power that exactly matches what you're going for, that's ok! Remember, Powers can be altered and adjusted via the "Miscellaneous Bonus" or "Miscellaneous Limitation". It works best when the player gives a little description to the power for the character. An example would be: "Cloud Minds" ( Mental Illusion ).  

When posting the final character stats in a "Character" in World Anvil's "Heroes", be sure to select the "DCH3e Character Sheet" statblock, it's the most up to date and is the one that is currently maintained.


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