Deathless Henchmen of the Weaponer

Cultural event


Various heroes from several teams attend New York City Comic Con.

Greetings True Believers!


We all know our heroes work hard to keep us all safe. Sometimes, they need a day off!


Today, they’re taking that time at the great New York City Comic Con!


However, all isn’t as it seems True Believers, for on the outside this looks like any ordinary comic convention. But inside … well lets just say, don’t judge a book by its cover!


Between those panels lurks a mad inventor, a genius bent on a disastrous plan that might doom us all! Will our heroes find out? Can they stop it in time?


I wish I could say, but … I’d hate to spoil the surprise!


Let’s peek in and see what they found!


This is Not Stan Lee saying … EXCELSIOR!




Related Location
New York City
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