Disbandment of the Seattle Heroes



In the aftermath of the Red Skull Incident, most of the Seattle heroes decide it is time to leave the city.

  • Dark Angel completely vanished. His monitoring system was shut down, and other signs suggested his disappearance might have been a very awkward retirement (possibly for medical reasons). No signs of foul play could be found.

  • Catman and Nightblade stayed in Seattle.

  • Firestar returns to Metropolis, Pennsylvania to resume therapy and complete her college degree.

  • Knight Thrasher shook hands with everyone, said only he was going to work for his cousin at her startup company. Jennifer Rollinson put him to work in New York City.

  • Feral, suicidally depressed and hiding it, having recently "met" Silverwing who argued in favor of trying again, spent two and a half weeks randomly walking and hopping trains. She arrived in an uninhabited valley in the Catskill Mts. west of NYC, decides to settle for a while. Silverwing appears three days later, arranges some belongings of his own, behaves as though this were planned all along. Lives part-time with Jarissa in cave, part-time somewhere else. Occasionally brings a newspaper with him, or tells Jarissa what's going on in the world outside the valley.

  • SAFEGUARD Agent Oliver Zanders gets reassigned to Anchorage, Alaska, but with a six month temporary duty at Headquarters so that he can update some records and teach a few seminars.

Related timelines & articles
Feral (article)
Knight Thrasher (article)
Firestar (article)
Tales of Justice Timeline