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Phurate Root (Fur Root)

General Knowledge

Phurate Root (More commonly known as Fur Root) is a mostly unremarkable plant on its own. Its only apparent use is for the mold that grows on it. After harvesting, the root is often left out to rot. Before it completely turns, most of the mold is commonly scraped off for use in tinder and fermenting alchemical alcohols. The plant itself is often used for fertilizing more Fur Root, as it seems to thrive in mulch made of dying fur root or rotten meat.

Alchemical Studies

Studies throughout civilization have shown few but potent uses for this root. The root itself can be made into a slime-like preservative often used to ferment other ingredients. Mold harvested from the root can be used in quick-start tinder sets or put aside with other fermenting ingredients to bring out their alchemical properties. This leads to the creation of alchemical alcohols which are more commonly known as Warrior Wines or Bard's Brew.

Historical and Medical Use

In the early days of civilization, the mold of fur root was applied to open wounds as a placebo medicine. Continued use in such way intoxicated subjects. Later research into whether or not it could be used as actual medicine revealed it to slowly bond with sugar in the blood stream causing their blood to ferment into an alcohol. 'Blood Wine' as it was called, was used as a pain reliever after fermenting in livestock. It was later banned from use after extensive research showed that drinking it could make you vulnerable to blood related diseases.


Although it thrives in dead matter, it is not a form of fungus itself. It is found to need sunlight, water, and air just like most plant life. it is believed (but not proven) that it uses the dead matter to compose itself. Few who know this, continue to use its products.

Basic Information


It can be identified by pockets of air throughout the root. These pockets are often caused by the root growing around organic matter which is later consumed into the root.

Genetics and Reproduction

Once it has found proper ground to thrive in, it often adapts to reproduce in a way most optimal to the environment. EG: If in a windy environment, it will often spread airborne spores.

Growth Rate & Stages

This root will not really grow unless planted in rotten meat or other dead roots.

Ecology and Habitats

This root is known to thrive among rotting meat and other dead roots.

Biological Cycle

It is often found in more open areas during warm seasons.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The root appears to have a basic olfactory (smell) sense which allows it to grow towards rotting meat. While its sense of smell is strong enough to sense nearby rotting meat, it appears to ignore other dead roots of which it is found to thrive better on.

The Phurate Root
(Actually just a picture of a Lotus Root)

Bard's Brew

One of many types of Bard's Brew
(Don't know the actual artist, would appreciate it if someone can tell me)

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