Land Strider

All I am saying is that with this marvel of machinery we can get to the city in half the time compared to that old wagon we used, it will get making our goods to market less of a hassle. - Eager Vendor
  Since the beginning of the Glintlight Revolution, many marvels of engineering have been created to better the lives of the people around them. One easily of these achievement was the first new form of transportation has vastly improved the means of travel across the continent, leaving behind older forms of transportation in the dust as it became known as the Land Strider. A sophisticated vehicle that has made travel safely and more comfortable while allowing for larger carrying capacity with the troubles of weight limit. While an very limited and expensive at the beginning of its creation, it has made it way to much of Embera being used for travel and trade across the land. Its durability and speed has also allowed its occupants the protection from attacks from anything that wishes to do them harm.

Power Generation

Radiance Engine: Like all Glintlight machinery is revolves around the use of Radiance as a fuel source to keep it running so long as it keeps being inserted into the engine.


Energized Wheels: Gain power from its engine, a series of moving parts begin to move the wheels of strider to move at resounding speeds with the more power from the engine going into it the faster it will move.

Weapons & Armament

Radiance Deterrent: In the case of possible Gloomspawn attack, most Land Striders have a emergency Radiance release from their engine to spray it around the vehicle to force them away from it.   Radiance Weapon: When being used by military and large vehicles, weapons with Radiance can be mounted to hold off large scale attacks of Gloomspawn and possible theft.

Armor and defense

Metal Body: Rather than sticking with wood like older land vehicles, a metal body was made to ensure that the speed and the constant force applied to it ensures it does not fall apart so easily.
Related Technologies
20 - 50 mph
Complement / Crew
1- 3
Cargo & Passenger Capacity
1 Ton and 4 - 50 people

Cover image: by Jester%


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