Covenant of Daybreak

The Dawn Crusade would have ruled the world once the Shroud was defeated, yet they knew that steel did not with them the war; faith did. - Ruthord Ferne
  Upon the ending of the Great Shroud, a new order was created in the ashes of the old era as it had been wiped clean in the cleansing light of the Eternal Spark. Yet, one last question remained with the war won: who would lead the people into this new age? Warriors could not rule the world, as fighting was all they knew no matter how good their intentions were, and soon, the question would answer itself if the Covenant was found with it.


The Covenant was created to become the pillars that would aid in the founding of the Radiarchies of Embera and how they would be governed and organized to ensure that they could be sustained and stable and avoid conflict with one another, as was seen with the monarchs. It also showed the people that faith could protect them from the darkness that lurked around them.

Historical Details


An Age of Faith

  The Crusade of Reclamation was the final nail in the coffin that brought the end of the spiraling Age of Crowns and the dreaded Shroud Keepers that brought about its dark end. Now the Dawn Crusaders were the new sole power that had control over Continent of Embera with no other power to stop them. But none of them knew what path was to be taken that seemed to be the right one and would debate about it for a long while. It was not until Sura Dawnbringer spoke out saying that faith was what drove them to find salvation in the darkest of day and now faith would be what light the way long after they left this world. Thus began the inclusion of the Congregation of the Eternal Spark into the matters of this government that would come into being. In time following the holy texts and wisdom for those gathered a Covenant was forged to guide the people with wisdom and warm of the Eternal Spark and its faithful that would guide them on the proper path.   Yet none were determined on how leadership would be handled, let alone on how it would work across an entire continent. Some believed that a similar structure to the monarchs were needed or even dividing up the continent into various states controlled by the clergy. However it was realized that the would find peace and safety if one chosen by the spark would be able to lead them and it was decided that Radiants with their all powerful light would be these new leaders become forever known as Radiarchs. As for how governance was determined it was decided that the various lands of Embera would be divided among the distinct cultures that inhabited and formed the Radiarachies that continue to exist to this day. Leading to stability and faith to govern the world and stand against the darkness that existed in the world.


The Covenant still stands as much as the Radiarchies founded through it, honoring the laws that would help bind them together so that they would stand firm against any threat showing its ugly head.
Decree, Religious
Ratification Date
1200 B.D.
Signatories (Characters)

Cover image: by Jester%


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