Day of Memories

The past should always be honored, for abandoning it would be like denying it existed. - Earthly Sage
  Across the lands of Senju, an age-old tradition is celebrated to bring comfort to every household and honor the memories of those who passed on. Each family honors its ancestors with a unique lantern, intricately designed and passed down through generations, symbolizing the collective memories and cherished moments of their loved ones. It is a day of reflection for all to celebrate life by honoring the past and all who have come before them.


The Day of Momeorie provides a comforting and spiritual experience for the people of Senju. It allows them to honor their past, celebrate their present, and hope for the future. Sharing memories fosters a deep sense of belonging and continuity, offering solace in times of change and a joyful reminder of the bonds that unite them.


Each family member takes turns reading their slips of paper aloud. As they do, they place the slips into the lantern, where the light from the flame makes the colors glow brightly, creating a beautiful display of shared experiences and love. After all the memories have been shared, there is a moment of silence for reflection. This allows everyone to feel connected to their loved ones, both present and those who have passed away, creating a deep sense of continuity and comfort.

Components and tools

Memory Lantern: A paper lantern decorated with words and images to honor those who have passed on from this world and ensure they are not forgotten by time.


The Day of Memories comes at the beginning of spring, a time to breathe new life into the world and reflect on the past.

Cover image: by Jester%


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Jul 31, 2024 08:30 by Ephraïm Boateng

This is sweet ;)

Aug 13, 2024 06:35 by Deleyna Marr

Beautiful! I do question the lantern being paper though. That's interesting now that would last and not burn.
