
Most people have learned to live in the settlements to escape the dangers of the Wylds, yet the Freebound chose to live freely in these places just like we all did but have so easily forgotten. - Radiarch Ruthen Davlos
  The Freebound people are a Korish subculture that roams the untamed and remote regions of Radiarchy of Kor. They live the old ways of being in harmony with nature and embrace a life of self-dependency and freedom. Known for their hardiness, resourcefulness, and deep spiritual connection to the land, the Freebound have carved out an existence larger than life. Most of their clans often stay away from the cities and other settlements, only following the way of their ancestors' way of life, which many have forgotten, preferring the safety and dependency of others to stay alive.


Culture and cultural heritage

Born To Be Wyld: Living in the wild comes with challenges, as all must carry their weight to survive. However, the Freebound learned to keep the old ways through their ingenuity and deep knowledge of the land. Traveling with the seasons to live as nomadic hunters and gatherers, following their paths that require no dependency on civilization and technology but the methods passed down from countless generations.   Spiritual Keepers: The heart of Freebound culture is a profound spiritual connection to nature, believing that spirits inhabit places such as the land, sky, and water. Through the aid of Wyldseer, they communicate with the spirits to guidance them, and leads ceremonies to honor them that mark significant events and seasonal changes.

Cover image: by Jester%


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