
The Scions of the Dawn was said to have spoken the actual words of the Spark, which are more holy than any relic or temple in this world. - Herald Kethos
  Out of the many holy items in the Congregation of The Eternal Spark, none are more sacred than the Luminari tongue. It is often the first language ever used and is said to have been a gift to the Scions of the Dawn Eternal Spark. Despite the collapse of their civilization, much of the language was preserved after they fell into the Age of Shadows and was passed down through Various religious groups over centuries until finally, the Congregation Of The Eternal Spark was founded. Through them, this seemingly dead language would be brought back to life by being declared a sacred language of the light and to be spoken to bring them closer to it. Now, so many have engrossed themselves in the faith and know how to quickly say the ancient language, feeling the warmth inside them whenever they hear it or say it as if the Spark is beside them. It has also aided in understanding of the past with those delving into the many ancient ruins of the Scions decipering their language to better understand their way of life and the knowledge that was with them.

Geographical Distribution

Many of the congregation's members know how to read and speak in Luminari, seeing it as necessary to create a spiritual connection with the Eternal Spark through their faith. Making it well spread across the Radiarchies of Embera and those that worship the faith should they wish to learn it.

Cover image: by Jester%


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