Magelous the Marvelous

Magelou Rona (a.k.a. The Marvelous, Tune Lune)

Oh, what a wonderful man he is for playing such a tune for people like us. - Begger

Mental characteristics

Personal history

A Curious Man

  Most do not know about Magelous or where he truly comes from, only that he has been known to make a tune on a whim wherever he pleases. He is Often considered a madman due to his odd behavior and sudden changes in personality at any time. Yet he is considered one of the best Tuners in recent memory as his tunes have a way of reaching the very soul of a person. Along with the great variety of forms, they come in such a way that most become fascinated by his form of creating new tunes in the blink of an eye. Most believe that the spark within him was so great that his mind could not bear its overwhelming beauty and drove him mad. Yet many are drawn to him as he brings in such a crowd. Then, in an instant, he is gone, only to appear somewhere else to carry out his tunes for all to hear, even giving back his earnings to the people that need it most, and disappear once more without knowing where he will appear next.

Personality Characteristics


While most do not know what goes on in the mind of this mysterious Tuner, most would say about his actions that he is a man of the arts and one who wishes to live life to the fullest without anything to stop him.
Year of Birth
12 A.D 38 Years old
Long Brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Quotes & Catchphrases
My, my, oh my, it seems I have a tune whispering in my ear again. might a well play it.

Cover image: by Jester%


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