
I wonder what they plan on showing at the playhouse tonight I heard that its going to be quite surprise. - Curious Attendant
  Across the world their are places where people go to unwind and enjoy themselves for a while from the worlds trouble, yet none stand out more than the Playhouse where all the arts of entertainment are truly appreciated by its performers and their audiences. From the colorful performances of Tuners to the whimsical troupes that tell the tales of old, all are satified by the joy that they bring to the crowed that hold them to watch and enjoy.

Purpose / Function

Entertainment and emotion are what the Playhouse is all about for its performers and the crowds it draws in for grand spectacles that showcase the arts and culture it brings to its audiences every day.


A Place of Art

  In the days of old, those who lived to perform the arts were forced to travel the land from place to place in fear that the servant of The Gloom would hunt them down for their power to bring joy and wonder to those they performed to, never knowing when to stop and live knowing the dangers that could find them any chance they let their guard down. While fear of being hunted down eventually died down, it did not end wandering the world for most of them. Yet those who did decided to build a place that would embody their craft and allow the people never to wait for the entertainment to come to town when it was at home. Every stage ever built brought forth the arts in its most valid form without the world's worry, with all eyes fixated on what was in front of them. No matter how old and outdated something was shown to them, is was something they would never take for granted as it was something for them to cherish for such beauty could easily taken from them if they are not to careful.


People of all cultures and ages come to the Playhouses daily to see whatever is performed. It doesn't matter what they do for a living or where they come from. All can enjoy the entertainment that it brings and continue to come back whenever they want, as all are welcome.
Theatre / Concert hall

Cover image: by Jester%


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