
While it is good to save those from being full Gloomified, it is often more challenging for them to return to normal should its taint remain in them to claim them once more.   It is often considered to be a triumph to vanquish Gloomspawn from the world to whence it came; it is a more remarkable achievement to save one that had turned before they lost to the Hollowing in the final days of Gloomification and lost forever to the darkness. However, while most return to normalcy in due time, some are not so fortunate as The Gloom is not always willing to let those that escape its clutches so easily. Those who are often in the later stages of Gloomification and are cleansed may still be tainted by a condition known as Shaded, with the influence of the Gloom remaining inside of attempting to influence them to its will.

Transmission & Vectors

It often occurs during the later stages of Gloomification, with individuals going through their Hollowing process when tapped with their Gloomspawn form manifesting around their body. If, by chance, they can be freed from this state and returned to their natural form, they may be able to acquire it should they remain in their hollowed period for too long.


It is often believed that Hollowing consumes everything about the individual that is trapped in their state. To do this, it first reaches into their soul to corrupt and alter it to darkness with the influence of the Gloom; if this process were to be stopped in the early stages, nothing would be changed. The same cannot be said during the later stages of the process, as their soul is merged with the essence of the Gloom itself, and even if they could escape the process, the essence would become a part of them with no means of expelling it.



  Hearing Voices: The afflicted will begin to hear voices in the back of their head, often telling them things they usually wouldn't do that are frequently bad or destructive.   Dark Thoughts: They begin to have dark ideas entering their mind, often thinking of harming others and being paranoid about things that are not true.   Strange Dreams: Rather than having pleasant dreams as they sleep, they are met with strange ones that often lead them closer to darkness.   Gloomspawn Docility: while not being a Gloomspawn, these dark creatures will not be aggressive towards them due to the darkness imprinted on them as if they where one of their kind.  


  Dark Markings: Marks that are the color of the darkest night appear on their body, often resulting in them to conceal them to avoid suspicion.   Sensitivity to Light: The afflicted will have trouble staying near natural light, feeling like it is burning their skin when it is not, and wear more concealed clothes to block it or find dark places to stay under to escape it.   Darkness Manipulation: Despite not being a Crafter or a Gloomspawn, the afflicted have limited power to control shadows and blend in with them, becoming more willing to delve deeper into the power of the Gloom.   Glowing eyes: In brief moments of emotional instability, an afflicted’s eyes will begin to glow as they are overwhelmed by negative emotions.   Pain Tolerance: While the Gloom’s influence resides within them they are able to withstand pain and injury much more easily like a Gloomspawn.


It is highly unlikely that a way to reverse such a complex state will be found with normal means. Most of the time, it just uses Radiance infused medicine to help hold back the dark influence within them. However, the more extreme Calming procedure has been able to prevent them from further deviating from their darker nature. It is often considered that only the purest form of light can genuinely cure them of the Gloom’s taint being that of a Radiant or some other source.


Most that end up being Shaded will eventually end up becoming Gloomified all over again and become a Gloomspawn. This will make it harder for them to change back due the taint of the Gloom already insidee of them. Yet some are able to withstand their change, yet still fall to dark power and become cultists of the Gloom, using their power to achieve their dark master’s goals. Only a select few can truly overcome it and use it to do good in the world rather than make it worse.


The best chance to avoid someone getting Shaded is to break them free of their Hollowing stage as soon as they turn or prevent Gloomifcation altogether. A strong dose of Radiance should be applied to them for good measure to attempt to remove any chances it could spread into their soul.

Cultural Reception

Most people consider those who are Shaded to be a lost cause due to the darkness being part of their being. Very few of them can deal with the torment that comes with becoming the monsters they freed from or turn to a darker path in the form of a Gloom cultist using their dark power to extend the influence of their terrible master. It has made many paranoid and suspicious of those who survived their late Gloomification periods. Laws have been established to quarantine them to ensure any signs of them possibly being shaded and protect the public from any harm they might cause. Those who are considered dangerous are essentially sent away to study them and find a way to cure them of their affliction in Puratoriums in secured locations across the world to avoid hiding in populated areas. Even if they manage to pass the requirements, they are monitored to see any changes in behavior or affiliation so that they get the chance to the darkness.
Chronic, Acquired
Affected Species

Grip of Darkness

by Jester%
It is never an option to let those poisoned by the Gloom be let to wander freely, or they will always turn for the worst - Beacon Purifier
  The dark powers of the Gloom are always a danger to anyone who makes contact with it. But having its icy grip on one’s very being would be all the more horrifying. For no matter how hard they try avoid it influence it will never let go until it has control over them or drive them into their thrall. This is the life of those that are Shaded being a living nightmare that never ceases to end for the remainder of their lives.

Cover image: by Jester%


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