Spark That Shine Brightest

Everyone knows the spark is still out there, and this candle flame proves that. - Tavern Patron
    We all know the world was created through the Radiant Dawn thanks to the power of the Eternal Spark, which brought light to the world. Yet most tend to forget what happened to the Spark after creation came into being. Many people debated that for a long while, considering it happened so long ago, but the answer was right in front of them the whole time, considering that light exists everywhere.


Most have concluded that the Eternal Spark divided its power amongst all of creation to create new forms of light to guide people through the world's darkness. While it does not exist in its true form anymore, it still remains close to its creations to aid them, showing a true dedication to protecting them from harm and giving them comfort. From the glow of Radiance that dances in the sky to the fire that warms the hearth of a home, the Spark is always there to give it light again and again to all that seek it in their time of need.


It is a widespread belief that is told all across the Embera and is supported by the Congregation of the Eternal Spark

Cultural Reception

The faith has accepted much of this idea and spread it through holy texts and amongst many groups that have dedicated themselves to the faith in one way or another. Along with many cultures that share ideas, elements such as fire and lightning have extraordinary connections to the world around them.

Cover image: by Jester%


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