Temple of Sanctity

All will find peace and comfort in the light of the Spark for as long as we have faith that no wickedness will ever bring harm to us - Illumine Priest
  Across Embera, the faith of the Eternal Spark can be found in all places to give comfort and hope in a world filled with terrors that can drive even the strongest of wills down a dark path should succumb to them. It is why there are always places that protect the faithful should they ever need it. The Temples of Sanctity are such a place to exist for all to unite under one faith so no one may feel alone and afraid of the dark powers lurking in every corner.

Purpose / Function

The temples were built to promote faith and safety for all who followed the Spark so all who entered them could pray and find salvation in its eternal light without fear.


Glyph Shielding: A more ancient form of protection used to ward off dark forces using holy Glyph empowered with Radiance.   Vigil Warder : Machines capable of creating a powerful barrier to repel all creatures afflicted with The Gloom.


Sanctuaries of Light

  For much of the worship of the Spark, Temples of Sanctity have been one of the few places where the faith could openly convince others to protect their faith due to the dangers of the world around them, mainly due to Gloomspawn which could quickly attack anyplace with ease. Originally, shrines could be found in every town and village where they would pray in the light of day for the blessings of the spark. Still, those days were no longer safe as Gloomspawn became more rampant, making it impossible to go outside if a cloud covered the sun or on a rainy day, as well as Gloom cultists desecrating the shrines. When the Congregation of the Eternal Spark was founded, the temples were built to promote a strengthened faith that would withstand these dangers behind solid walls built around these original shrines. It was not too long after that temples could be found in every settlement and region, with many of them still standing to this day as a show of skill and dedication was made to building them to last.
Temple / Church
Owning Organization

Cover image: by Jester%


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