The Dreaming, of Wonders and Dreams

Anything is possible when you dream. You have to believe it can be done. - Dream Seeker
  As one of the Hidden Realms, the Dreaming is a place that is not a part of the world or, in this case, the waking world. Here, those who sleep venture into as they experience all the wonders that their dreams can offer them and experience them. Most, however, will never remember them as they are not genuinely connected to them; only their minds travel to them to expand their minds of the possibilities that can be achieved should they all themselves do so.


To understand how vast the Dreaming is, one must ask how vast the sea is, and the answer might as well be a mystery, considering no one knows. All that is known is that Dreaming takes shape with the power of the Dreamers who travel through it when they sleep, everchanging according to their desires. This would essentially mean that it is shrinking and expanding constantly in space that seems to be never-ending as far as the eye can see..


The Dreaming is an ever-changing place that often changes through the minds of dreamers who enter it with the ideas that they take with them in their sleep. Everything they create through them is powerful enough to manifest within this place, which is often ever-expanding with every dreamer that comes into it. It is usually said that it truly has no end, as dreams have no limits at which to stop. Yet, if a strong enough dreamer or a group of them share the same ideas while dreaming, that place can hold a permanent spot.


Those who sleep will often find themselves in the Dreaming one way or another to enjoy the dreams they create with it. It can often feel like days or even years in this place as there is no real perception of time here. A person can quickly leave if they just wake up from their dream, but they can easily become trapped here should they lose themselves in this wonderous realm.
Alternative Name(s)
Realm of Dreams, Land of Sleep
Plane of Existence

Cover image: by Jester%


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