Linfu Jian


The Linfu family at large is renowned in Aochen for their performing arts. While their clientele is the middle-of-the-ladder nobility, the family itself is so expansive they're practically everywhere. Such a prestige is admirable but even more difficult to meet. Jian, born the 5th daughter of the family head, had a luxurious upbringing fraught with haughty expectation. Worse, her talent for story telling and literature pushed her from the traditional family arts. She eked by as a glorified clerk, handling bookkeeping and other issues the mainline family members couldn't be bothered with. Being so far down the family succession line, her future was to be one of a comfortable but entirely forgettable existence.   Velandra's new Xaishan Accord, however, shook up Jian's world. Answering the call of Bafin Xiaomei, who had need of talented clerks, Jian thoroughly trounced her competition in the selections. Her family, however, despised the 'barbaric' upset Velandra had wrought in Tomu, and so forbade Jian from officially signing onto the Accord. Jian, in response, voluntarily cut ties from her family. Although she kept the name, she's not recognized as a member anymore.   Since her arrival to the Heavenly Palace, Jian performed admirably as Xiaomei's left hand woman. Her talent for bookkeeping led to new policies and reformations, improving both the palace and to some extent the Accord at large. However, such has only ever been a profession for honest work. Her true love is that of stories, be they small or grand. The romance between Velandra and Venyra captivated her, turning Jian into probably their biggest fan. Singlehandedly taking on the job of chronicler for the pair, she quickly moved into the position of head maid for Venyra herself. Jian's careful manuevering landed her as the unofficial confidant of the dragon anaxial, being one of the few people regularly in contact with her.   Singlehandedly creating an entire fanclub, Jian is the enabler to a new, blooming mythos around Velandra and Venyra. When she isn't busy with her actual job, she's spinning tales, spurring artists on, motivating poets, and drawing in any other creative mind she can get her claws on. Being a first-hand witness to all kinds of moments, she religiously records them, fueling endless gossip for the palace's romantics. Her works have even spread down below, and although sanitized of any compromising information, keeps many more people 'informed' about the two.   Jian is ultimately at the heart of a large, intrigued web of fans and romantics who follow their love story almost as much as she does.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Plump but capable, Jian's core fundamentals undoubtedly strong without cutting a figure the same way exercising might entail. She can be regarded as a comfortable presence, which only belies her frighteningly sharp mind and an overly keen perceptiveness.

Apparel & Accessories

Jian wears a proper two piece dress, the shirt with wide sleeves and a folded collar, and a four-way slitted skirt that mostly covers her lower pants. A lighter purple (veering toward blues and whites) forms the base color, while a smattering of red embroidery gives it a sharp color. She unabashedly wears draconic stylization patterned after Venyra, and uses a complimenting embroidery for the part of Velandra. In other words, her work attire is a constant advertisement for the two and markedly makes her distinct among the maid workforce.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity





Linfu Jian

Subservient Worker

Towards Bafin Xiaomei


Bafin Xiaomei


Towards Linfu Jian


Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Head maids are traditionally those who work with the heads of households, wings, or other subdivisions of families in Nerzin. Although Jian's actual position as a clerk is much more functionally important, she regards being Venyra's headmaid as being the highest honor of her life.
Year of Birth
2410 TD 25 Years old
Rounded, expressive, blue iris with white sclera
Shoulder-length, flat cut, black color
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Fair, leaning toward pale
Aligned Organization


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