The Seofarean are the second most populace strain of humanity, behind the Tiorathan. The have moderate builds, and are balanced between strength and agility. Most Seofarean place great influence on law and order, likely due to the influence of their caster-god.Physical Description
The Seofarean have dark skin, but often have intense storm-blue and Hale-green eyes, matching the ferocity of their Caster-gods storms. Like the Oroni they are descended from Demi-Astral of Malruun heritage and Tiorathan progenitors.Psychological Description
The typical Seofarean makes little distinction between well-structured law and right and wrong. They are led directly by their Godcaster Kilric, following the strict laws he puts in place. They see his law as a blessing, and as such breaking the law is considered blasphemy. However, many see his teachings as a call to arms to enforce their own view of right and wrong, as Endros is the lord of Order from Chaos.Range of Habitation
SeofareCultural Basics
The Seofarean state is a powerful autocracy led directly by the Godcaster Endros, who's word is enforced by the Storm-Lords who use their myriad of governors and soldiers to maintain full control of the gigantic nation of Seofare. The Seofarean religion is merged with the government, and although religious freedom is granted to the nations citizens those who do not follow the teachings of Endros are looked upon with suspicion. The Seofarean religious doctrine is the nations law, and as such all charges are considered heresy in addition to the original charge.History
Seofare initially developed it's sense of identity in tandem with Tiorath's own doctrines, with an emphasis on order and conquest. However it didn't take long before the formerly loyalist state began to harbor resent for their Tiorathan masters. Many of the Tiorathan governors were recruited directly from nobility, and had no passion for their role. However they were met by strong opposition from Loyalist forces working in conjunction with Tiorathan forces. The rebel forces of Seofare during the first 4 years of the Sethiri conflicts focused on undermining Tiorathan authority and attempting to install their own governors. With Endro's arrival in the second age the Rebels gained the legitimacy they craved through their alliance with the godling. Soon most of Seofare rallied behind the forces of Endros, however south Seofare, now called Nor'Tirath, remained loyal to Tiorath.ARRIVAL IN TOR'SAARN
Roughly 600 years BFAPARENTAL GOD
None, though altered by Endros and Sar'aanWORSHIPPED GODS
Sar'aan, Ravennan, Endros, Kilric, OlradNATIVE REGIONS
80-100 yearsHEIGHT
158-190cm, with many outliersWEIGHT
50-80kg, with many outliers
Encompassed species
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