The Hierarchal Dictate
The Hierarchical Dictate is the official name for the Declaration of unity between the states of the Tiorath isles and the announcement of the campaign to conquer west Tor'Saarn. The Declaration was officially made on the first day of summer, the day that the Grand Tiorath Calendar was to begin implementation. This event began the first calendar and the Age of Ascendancy. The Dictate included the islands of Nor'Renic, Nor'Weisiar, Nor'Holruunn, Sol'Henruut, Nor'Henruut, Nor'Syesul, Sol'Syesul. The Dictate is credited with bringing unity to the farthest west and helping the Tiorath dynasty amass a force large enough to conquer the region that would become Sethir.Remove these ads. Join the Worldbuilders Guild