The Tiorathan forces would take control of the Tribes of the Wild Men over the coarse of a decade and a half, integrating their warriors into a makeshift army that served underneath the standard Tiorathan military. The majority of tribesman made up their first vassals in mainland Tor'Saarn, who lived alongside their colonists and lead to the rise of the mainland's first true humans through interbreeding between Wild Men and Tiorathans. After 14 years there were few remaining tribes, and by the mid first age only rumors of their presence in the Wilderun exist.
War is declared by the Tiorathan Hierarchy against the Seltien kingdom after a number of incursions by Tiorathan forces against Seltien colonists in the region of North Sethir, now known as Hyeros.
The Sundering of Tiorath was an incursion by The Titan minds of the Tiorath Hierarchy beginning with an attack on the empires capital at Renic. The ensuing chaos led to the fall of the Tiorath Hierarchy's empire and the dawn of the second age.
The Sundering of Tiorath was an incursion by The Titan minds of the Tiorath Hierarchy beginning with an attack on the empires capital at Renic. The ensuing chaos led to the fall of the Tiorath Hierarchy's empire and the dawn of the second age.
The Sethiri Conflicts were a series of civil wars in the former Tiroth Hierarchy Territory of Sethir before the foundation of the Sethiri nations Hyeros, Seofare and Oron'Hye.
The Sacking of Foran was an attack by Tiorathan loyalists lead by the Tiorathan Admiral Grundar Firecet on Olrad's home of Foran. The city fell after 12 days and the defeat of Olrad. This conflict began a new dark-age on the southern front of the Sethiri conflicts, with the loss of Olrad's family causing him to become more distant and violent, becoming known to his Tiorathan enemies as The Demon Lord of Oron'Hye.
The Sethiri conflicts ended with the signing of The Gateway Pact, in which the Tiorathan loyalists were given a portion of southern Seofare, now called Nor'Tirath, to rule on behalf of the Tiorath Hierarchy. In return the representatives of both the Tiorathan loyalists and the Tiorath Hierarchy promised official acknowledgement of the Sethiri states.