Hall of Changes

Each of the Great Cities have two of these buildings. Which one one attends is based solely on geography and which one is closer. They are designed slightly different on the outside, based on the City's architectural design, but they are very similar on the inside. They all serve the same purpose.   The most notable feature in all of the halls is a large empty floor with evenly spaced circles painted along the floor. These are large circles that are one and a half meters in diameter. They are large enough to accommodate a single person cycle comfortably. In City of Anunitum they are painted a dark blue in both halls. In City of Simmah they are green. The City of Pangu, which is generally more artsy in design than the first two cities, continued this with their Halls, painting the circles a rainbow of colors. It is quite striking, but also occasionally causes arguments among the younger children if too many of them decide they want circles of the same color.   During the various Age Milestone Rituals Talithans will stand on these circles and learn about the next stage of their lives. They are not required to stand on the same dot. The chances of a Talithan aged ten remembering where they stood at age two is pretty unlikely. It is not uncommon for those aged thirteen to try and find their age 10 spots however. There is no inherited value in standing in one spot or another, they are all equal.   There is a stage in front of the rows of circles and a seating area behind them for observers. The seating area is a set of bleacher like seats made out of wood. They all have low backs to aid with comfort. There lowest row is a second row high, leaving a empty space where a floor level row would go. However, that space is used for accommodations so that those who can not sit comfortably in the bleachers will be able to have whatever it is they need.   The stage in front is very basic, podiums or whatever is needed for the individual ceremonies are stored off stage and pulled out as needed.   The lighting in these halls are, as usual, a soft blue. Some of the halls, which were never painted, have a rather cold atmosphere when empty. But, that doesn't diminish the atmosphere of the ceremonies, which are generally looked on as positive events. The newer Halls in City of Pangu have been painted with a warm yellow-gold to add to the warmth of the ceremonies. They are not decorated for the events, simply the Talithans in attendance are enough.
Theatre / Concert hall


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