Lilith Moon Island

An island of two names. It is called Lilith, or sometimes Lilith Moon, by the people who take advantage of the island's remote location. To everyone else, it's Moon Island.   The island is located ten kilometers off the southern end of the Pangu Island. The island has a crescent moon shape, the name taken from the moon as it was once seen from Earth, long ago.   The island is the site of an asteroid impact from long before humans arrived to Talitha Harbor . It was first recorded via drone, sent by the Founders. By then it was covered in a dense jungle and had a fully developed biome.  


Lilith Moon island is more than 7 kilometers wide along the widest point. There is a large hole in the middle of it that leads to very deep water. The island also has a elevation change of 184 meters above sea level.   The middle of the island is filled with a dense rainforest. It is more plateau shaped than mountain, and the rainforest exists mostly in the higher elevation. Wetlands and marsh cover areas the trees have not been able to take root in.   The land goes from a rich top soil, then drops off into mixed soil, and eventually a rocky bottom. The interior of the island does have a narrow beach. The outskirts are rockier have little to no sand. The beach is still a little rocky and wouldn't be a great place to build a sandcastle.   Talithans don't currently have submersible technology. But, it is suspected that the ore located in the plateau of the island also go deep into the ocean.


The island isn't officially inhabited by any Talithans. They all live in one of the three Great Cities or on a different island that's home to the Pure Dawn Collective.   The remote location of the island, away from any official Talithan vessel traffic, has made it a popular place for Pangu based smugglers to hide. They don't live there, and the few buildings that have been put up are barely more than rough shacks. But, it is a good place to stay if you don't want to be found. There is edible wildlife, in the form of arthropods. Which is a normal staple in the Talithan diet. Seafood is also abundant. There are some edible plants as well, though they require a bit of a hike. It also rains often, giving someone a fresh source of water if they didn't bring enough of their own.   It is not the most convenient place to travel to, but that is part of the appeal.   The smugglers who have made the island a hideout have explored the area fairly extensively over the many sols it's been used. Aside from finding some rare minerals and carapaces that can be sold to artisans for their work, there are also rumors of a very dense ore deposit. One that is richer than what the Talithans mine in the City of Anunitum mountains. However, with the Talithans careful respect of nature, it's a controversial resource site. Mining the ore could destroy the unique rainforest and the creatures that live there.
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Aug 9, 2023 14:32 by Olarae & Astaroth Arcaine

What a delightful slice of paradise you've created! Certainly adding this to my bucket list of vacation locations (even if i might run into troublesome smugglers!)   You've wonderfully balanced the visual imagery with concise descriptions, However, some sections could benefit from further expansion I think! I'd love to read more about the biodiversity of the isle, especially any uniquely adapted varieties of creatures of flora!   -Olarae

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Aug 10, 2023 00:31 by Desdemona Rose

Thank you! I do plan on adding more. I was hitting crunch time and wanted to get my eight articles done. ^.^