The Ecology of Talitha Harbor


The Ecology of Talitha Harbor


Axiom One
Preservation of the Planet’s Ecology

  We will avoid wasteful consumerism. We will focus our values on humanity and the health of the planet. Anything that can be reused or recycled shall be. On-demand production will be favored over mass production when possible.   We will monitor Co2 emissions and they shall not rise above 300 Parts Per Million (PPM).   All small uninhabited islands within 350 kilometers of a Great City will be monitored for ecological health. An island within 350 kilometers of two great cities will be monitored by the Great City with the shortest travel distance.   Each Great City will also monitor the Great Island that contains it, to include uninhabited spaces. The city will do so carefully and interrupt the environment as little as possible.

Axiom Two
Maintain a Sustainable Human Population

  The planet of Talitha Harbor comprises mainly of small continents, also called Great Islands. These biomes are more sensitive than the massive continents that made up most of Earth’s landmasses. We will leave, at a minimum, one half of any landmass untouched by human development.   Each Talithan Great City’s population will cap at 500,000. The building of a new Great City will be spaced out by at least 300 sols (a Talitha Harbor year). This will allow monitoring of the planet’s ecology and fitness as the human population grows and ensure we don’t overwhelm the planet’s resources.  

Axiom Three
Human Equity Will Guide Talithan Society

  The Talithan society will be a cooperative society that will find equal value in all people. We will not see people as their individual differences but as a whole human. We will take steps to ensure everyone has the resources to attain their full ability to live a fulfilled life. The Vocational Government System, frame-worked below, will be at the core of this effort. But it will also require individual buy in and commitment.   All Talithans will have the same education provided by The Great Cities Education Vocation. Each new Great City will match its education program with the previous to ensure Talithans moving from one to the other will have the same opportunities.   There will be no political borders or citizenship in Talitha Harbor. All people are Talithans.   All Great Cities will be equal and steps will be taken to ensure they rely on each other for resources. The Great City of Anunitum will not use its age to claim superiority. The same rule will apply to all future cities.  

Axiom Four
The Vocational Government System

  All Community Resources Will Be Managed by the Vocational Government System. All humans will have access to the basic resources required for life. Including food, shelter, education, and medical care for both physical and mental health.   Each Great City will have its own Vocational System. They will mirror each other on a macro scale, but the vocations should be flexible enough to meet individual city needs. Vocations should also accept transfers from other cities if there're available positions. The vocations of each city should also communicate to make sure their education lines up to allow people to transfer as they see fit.   The Vocational system will be a collection of individual governments working together as equals. As the population grows, these may need to be modified or divided, but any new vocation must be equal to the originals. This is not a definitive list, but where we will start:  
The ecology and humanity, they will enforce environmental protection, help with dispute resolution, and make sure society is safe and fair for all.
Food production to include gathering, growing, husbandry, and preparation.  
Raw goods and textile production, along with other basic goods not covered by another vocation.  
Health Services:
Providing mental and physical health along with innovation and care for the dead.  
Housing and infrastructure to include development, maintenance, and utilities  
Development and maintenance of digital information systems, to include communication and identity services  
Transportation services and goods storage and dispersion as needed by the other vocations, to include the credit system to simplify the exchange of goods.


Developed by Founder Eduard Antonis Drake and the Founding Talithans. This document is digitally signed by most of the adult members of the population at the time. A total of 734 adults.
Manuscript, Legal
Digital Recording, Text
Signatories (Characters)


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