The Great City of Pangu Fortress

The Great City of Pangu's fortress is located in the center of the city. A massive circular building styled after the Fujian tulou buildings of ancient Earthian China. The entire complex is over 5,600 square meters at ground level. At three stories in a city that’s mostly single story, it’s a very prominent structure. It is also a place of community and refuge for the Talithan people on the great islands.  

Purpose / Function

All three great cities have their own unique fortress. They are centers for community, government, and built to be a shelter against major natural disasters.   The rammed clay and reed construction of the Pangu’s fortress walls dissipates the extreme summer heat. It can also withstand heavy winds and earthquakes. Pangu doesn’t see major disasters often, but when they do, the fortress is large enough to secure the entire population.   The bottom floor of the outer ring comprises larger meeting halls and a few offices used by the Thirteen Vocations for various reasons. None of the vocations are based out of the Fortress, but most have some presence. The second floor has more government use offices. It also includes the call to counsel chambers and offices for the Council of Thirteen.   The third floor has several apartment style Homes, all of them uniform at 1100 square feet. These will always go to the Council of Thirteen first, since they primarily work out of the fortress and are considered on call at any time. They are optional for the Council. The rest are given out with a lottery system. They cost the same amount of credits as a Tier-1 home.


The fortress comprises two buildings. A larger outer building that’s 85 meters in diameter, and a smaller one that’s 11 meters in diameter in the middle. There’s an open-air courtyard between the two buildings. There are also four stone pathways connecting them, equally spaced.   Like the other fortresses, Pangu’s fortress has a wide entrance that is left open most of the time. They will close the doors, two massive and heavy wooden doors on mechanical tracks, if weather requires it. There are smaller doors around the outside of the building that can be used as well. When they’re opened, the front of the fortress is wide enough to comfortably fit eight adults.   The walls are built into the ground several feet and are made of a rammed clay and reed. IT's a carefully perfected mixture that is strong, but also flexible enough to withstand an earthquake. There are numerous windows along the outside on all three levels.   The roof is covered with millions of clay tiles. It was the longest part of the building process. However, the tiles, which range from a light tan to a pale orange, have a lifespan of around one hundred sols. They are replaced on a cycle, the old tiles given to crafters who make highly sought after decorative and occasionally practical items. These tiles are unique to Pangu and only used for the fortress. Their other buildings have thatch roofs treated with a waterproof sap native to the great island.
Government complex
Parent Location
** Image of the Talithan structure to come.


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Aug 8, 2024 20:31 by Alan Byers

Great! I love toulou -- a very underutilized style of architecture in fiction.

Aug 11, 2024 21:18 by Desdemona Rose

Thank you!!