Unity Day

Unity Day takes place on the 17th of every month. It's a day where Talithans have the day off, with exception of a few needed for emergency services, such as Health Services. Some are just on-call and expected to respond if an emergency takes place.   The rest of Talitha Harbor, adults and children, have the day to themselves. It's encouraged that Talithans spend it building bonds and connections, but there's nothing to enforce it. There's a wide variety of connection types as well. Some use it for family and/or friends. Others look for sexual companionship, or simply someone new to talk to or cuddle with. There are parties of various sizes throughout the Great Cities. Sometimes performers will play music, put on plays, read written words, etc.


Unity Day has been around since the development of the Talithan calendar. They tracked the planet's rotation with the computers and sensors on the colony ship the founders traveled in. With that information, they made a 429 day sol cycle. They further broke that down to thirteen months with thirty-three days.   Instead of having the weeks rotate from month to month, like the Earthian calendar did, they made the months uniform.   Week 1 = 8 days   Week 2 = 8 days   Unity Day   Week 3 = 8 days   Week 4 = 8 days   The Talithans wanted a cooperative society from the start, and having a day set aside every month where everyone could get together in a relaxing way was a good way to reinforce that.


Unity day isn’t formal. People celebrate it as they wish. It’s encouraged as a day to get together with someone, but if a person uses it to get away, there are no consequences.   Along with smaller activities in people’s homes, some of Talitha's establishments will leave their doors open with the expectation that people will take advantage of the space. There are outdoor activites as well. This isn't an exhaustive list, but these are some of the more popular ways that people spend Unity Day.   Pleasure Houses: These are always for meetings of a sexual nature. However, there are no pleasure artists working there. They get the day off too. Typically, the houses only leave the lounge open and maybe an empty bar for people to supply with their own drinks. If people want to initiate sex, they’re expected to go to someone’s home.   Companion Cafes: These are for non-sexual companionship, someone to cuddle with, talk to, or share in other activities that make someone feel comforted. These are opened for the same purpose, but with no professional companions. People are left to make their own connections.   Theaters: Large unorganized get together. Often there will be live music and people will bring food and drink to share. They are usually designated as adult only and kid friendly.   Parks/Trails: Parks themed for children will often be filled with them while parents watch and converse. People will also gather in the less kid-centric parks for quieter activities, such as mediation. There are also hiking groups who will plan all day hikes.   Libraries: Some readers will get together and read something as a group, or each read their own thing in companionable silence. Libraries are open, but no check-outs are allowed since librarians also get the day off. These locations have cameras for monitoring, but citizens will usually intervene if they see someone attempting to steal something.


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Aug 20, 2024 04:32 by Deleyna Marr

I like that reading is an included social activity!

Aug 23, 2024 00:23 by Desdemona Rose
