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Agrus Kos


Agrus Kos was an officer of the League of Wojek in the Boros Legion. From a young age, Kos believed in upholding the law. As an orphan, his only dream was to join the Boros and protect the citizenry of Ravnica. Kos epitomized the tough "street cop" archetype, complete with a drinking problem and a distaste for rookies.  


Kos was a dark-skinned human man with gray short-cropped hair. In his youth, he boasted a full head of curly hair and a large, dark curly beard. He stood approximately 6'2" tall, weighing 180 pounds. He was muscular and had scars on his face and hands from the combat experienced during his service as a Wojek. In his later years, he shaved and cut his hair short for a more professional appearance.  


After graduating basic training, Agrus was paired with an experienced veteran investigator to fast-track him onto the Wojek investigation force. Unfortunately, on their first stake out mission, a mistake made by Agrus resulted in the death of his mentor, and Agrus nearly losing his life.   Despite his rocky start, Kos became one of the finest investigators in the Wojek in the years to come, though his personal life never matched his professional life's success. Many failed marriages and his constant drinking kept him from ever achieving happiness outside the job. As time wore on, Kos refused to retire despite the wear and tear he took, chasing after the only success he was able to experience.   Despite everything, Kos enjoyed his time on the streets, a place he felt at home and he had several partners in his tenure. However, his success would ultimately cost him his job satisfaction. Shortly after being assigned a new partner, Kos was forced into a promotion, learning that his new ward was meant to be his replacement rather than his partner. During his last days on the beat, his rookie ward was thrown off of a rooftop by mob boss Krenko's forces.  


Kos's contributions earned him a great deal of acclaim, but being thrown into the spotlight was more than Kos could take and he chose to step down from the Wojeks and disappear into the lesser districts of Ravnica. Kos became an Ozhov security guard in the Utvara Reclamation Zone, where he helped an old friend. Kos would live out the remainder of his years in service to the Orzhov Syndicate, finally passing away at the age of 78 in his sleep.
Lawful Good
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
180 lbs
Aligned Organization


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