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Alquist Proft



Alquist Proft is an aged human living in the 10th district of Ravnica. He has a light brown complexion, and greying hair that appears to be black at its roots. He has a slightly receeding hairline, and visible lines on his forehead from a lifetime of furrowing his brow. His beard, probably once neatly trimmed, has grown to a distinguished length of slightly uncontrolled appearance. His eyes are a mellow brown, but his gaze carries a fiery intensity. Often adorned in blue robes, it would be easy to mistake him as an Azorius lawmage or senator, though he claims no affiliation with any guild. Instead, he prominently wears the Ravnican Agency of Magicological Investigations broach over the left lapel of his robe.  


Alquist Proft is one of the most curious and detail-oriented people in Ravnica. His eyes are constantly scanning the room for details, and he can deduce almost anything given enough time. He is soft spoken, and often sounds exhausted when reasoning through his decisions and conclusions. Despite his unnatural ability to sleuth out truth from little material evidence, he has resigned to an administrative position in his older days, relying on the Office of the Guildpact to supply him with enough funds to hire other bright-eyed detectives to train. Due to the Azorius monopoly of law and its interpretations, The Ravnican Agency for Magicological Investigations can only officially handle inter-guild cases, which are few and far between.   Ever the Ravnican man, Proft is still seen and known for performing freelance work for those around his district home and office. He is often sought out for missing persons, lost items, and the occasional criminal. He keeps an urchin-like lifestyle in his office, which is situated in one of the residential quarters in the 10th district. For those who have used his services, he is known as a caring, detail-oriented detective who puts the case and his clients first.  


Depsite being a master detective, Alquist Proft has little in material possessions. He has exactly 5 blue Azorius robes from his time as an Azorius Lawmage, and an office/apartment home in Griffin Heights, a lower-income and shady residiential portion of Precinct Two in Ravnica's 10th district. Having lived in the neighborhood his whole life, he is well known in the area. His office is often barren, save for his home furnishings (bed, kitchen, etc.) and a small corner with a decently made wooden desk, which sits in the shadow of massive filing shelves of old cases. Prost also owns a small bookshelf of donated books by his neighbors, often for kids to read when their parents come in looking for Prost to take a case.  


Alquist Prost was born in Griffin Heights in Precinct Two of the 10th District of Ravnica to a loving mother and father. As a first an only child, his parents emphasized early success by enrolling him in the Azorius Law Academy in New Prahv at the early age of 6. Taken under the wing of a young but promising Azorius lawyer named Barrister Leopold Bigwig, Prost began to learn the intricacies of Azorius law. After sitting in over 500 court appeals with Bigwig, he enrolled into the Lawmage Graduate Program upon turning 16, the legal age required to enter for humans.   Prost proved an exceptional lawmage, first as a consultant to Boros Legionnaires on street patrol, and then on with lawyers as a subject matter expert. During his time in this role, his attention to detail became honed, as he would advise and testify on over 5 court cases a day. Originally overwhelmed, Prost developed a unique system in sorting through information and segregating it, allowing him to maintain knowledge of minute details while still handling a massive workload. After completing his 10th year as a lawmage, Barrister petitioned an audience with the Triumvirate to discuss his pupil's future in the guild. After the meeting, the Triumvirate revealed Proft's accomplishments to Isperia, the Guildmaster of the Azorius Senate. Upon hearing his tenacity, Isperia petitioned the other 9 Ravnican Guildmasters for a meeting on the creation of an inter-guild detective agency that could operate on guild-to-guild related matters effectively without Azorius influence, in accordance with the law as written by the Guildpact. Despite some resistance, the adendum was passed, and the Ravnican Agency for Magicological Investigations was formed, appointing Alquist Proft as the chief investigator for the organization.   Unfortunately, this would require Alquist to step down as an Azorius Lawmage, and remove his ability to garner any benefits from the guild moving forward. As the chief investigator, Alquist has seen few intra-guild cases, though when he does, they are often nearly impossible to solve. Alquist has yet to disappoint, however, in that the 3 intra-guild cases he was contacted for (all relating to the Day of Shadows) were closed months after they were opened. Very few specifics about these cases were disclosed, and were marked sealed under direction of the Office of the Guildpact by House Dimir upon their conclusion.  
The Agency's detectives will eliminate the false leads. I will find the truth.
— Alquist Prost
The insignia for the Ravnican Agency of Magicological Investigations
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Chief Investigator   Azorius Lawmage   Azorius Understudy
Griffin Heights, 2nd Precinct, 10th District, Ravnica
Current Residence
Griffin Heights
Dark Brown
Black and Grey, curly
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light Brown
170 lbs


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