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Aurelia is tall but gives an impression of delicate grace that belies her size. Unlike her predecessors, she has only two white-feathered wings. They spread nearly ten feet across. Aurelia's features are striking, androgynous, and beautiful, and her bright crimson hair flows down over her shoulder like a river of blood dripping across her well-worn armor. Her voice is surprisingly high and musical.  


Unlike the former guild leader Razia, the Parun of the Boros, Aurelia keeps a close relationship with her guildmembers.During the years of her leadership, she has shown a strong appreciation for the ordinary citizens who are often caught in the middle of interguild violence.True justice, Aurelia argues, isn't merely the enforcement of the letter of existing laws (let the Azorius fret over that), but the establishment of equitable and compassionate relationships among all of Ravnica's people. That means protecting the weak from the depredations of the strong, sheltering the innocents who are threatened by war, and ensuring that enforcement of the law doesn't become oppressive. Aurelia actively supports efforts to establish a lasting peace among the guilds. Aurelia prefers to lead the Boros Legion from the front. She brings swift and unrelenting punishment to the wicked, and her temper is legendary.   Aurelia wields two legendary swords, one straight and made of cold steel signifying the ideas of justice, the other curved and made from black iron, signifying the complexity of relationships between the guilds. Together, they symbolize Aurelia's approach to peace in the city of Ravnica.  


Aurelia is known for her compassion towards the subordinates of the Boros Legion, mainly the current Blade of the Legion, Tajic. She has shared many battlefields with him, and the two are often found together. Despite her intimidating presence, many of the Boros Legion have stated they feel comfortable bringing up issues to the angel per her open door policy for internal Boros Legion affairs.  


Little is known of Aurelia's origins, but she has inhabilted Ravnica since the formation of the guilds. Aurelia came to be known for her tenacity when she led a crusade against the previous Warleader of the Boros Legion, Feather. She claimed Feather had disgraced the Boros Legion by leading with an iron fist and not taking the common Ravnican into consideration when maintaining peace with the guild. Since then, she is a beloved leader amongst the rank and file of the Boros, and continues to make strides to improve relations with the people of Ravnica and the guild she oversees.
Aurelia leads her Legion her way; from the front on the field of battle.  
If we cannot have peace, we will have justice.
— Aurelia
Aurelia swings decisively against an agent of chaos with her legendary blades.
>1000 years
Fiery Red
Flowing Crimson Red hair, white feathered wings with >10ft wingspan.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Flawless Light Skin
866 lbs, >900 lbs in armor