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Written by Chrundle_the_Great

Goldhand was a skilled mercenary from Greyhawk, who was hired to protect the mages Landon and Thalia as they explored the Brackwater Swamp for forgotten treasures.   He was killed by Nephelia, the strongest harpy in her flock.  


Goldhand was a black dragonborn whose scales seemed to glow faintly. His slightly-chipped horns curled like a ram's.  


An experienced adventurer, he wore gilded plate armor and a fully-stocked potion belt. However, his greatest possession was his weapon: a sentient longsword, Stonekiller, whose will it was to slaughter stone giants. Underneath its decorative scabbard was a hungry blade bearing three names in Giant runes.   Calporesmus, who was able to read the names of the slain, felt a strong connection to the weapon and chose to carry it with him.  
I am Stonekiller. Stone must be silenced. It must be dead.
— Stonekiller


When the mage Landon hatched his plot to steal harpy eggs from Queen Aelia's flock, he and Thalia hired Goldhand to protect them as they trekked through the swamps. Unfortunately, the territorial, and occasionally feral harpies, noticed the intrusion, and Goldhand was grappled by their strongest warrior, Nephelia. Killed by plummeting from the sky, his body was impaled by the branches of a huge gnarled tree.
Death to stone giants!

Circumstances of Death
Dropped out of the sky by Nephelia
Place of Death
Baleful Bogs


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