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Issue 7: In Regard to Redgaard

General Summary

Last week, a troup of Gruul hunters known as the Scag-Kin investigated a previously discovered ancient temple in one of the many expansive tunnels surrounding the City of Ravnica. Having dealt with a reported ambush by cultists in red robes, the group of explorerers (accompanied by two investigators of RAMI) discovered a Category 2 Krasis lurking in the depths of the ancient ruin. Equipped for the task, the Skag-Kin and RAMI investigators dispatched the Krasis and continued to clear out the ancient ruin. Reports indicate relics of a long lost religion to a "Great One" were discovered, a topic that requires further extrapolation.
Amongst the relics and lost texts, the Skag-Kin and RAMI investigators reported the presence of ancient Assassin Vines, a plant that was previously thought to have been eradicated by the Selesnya guildmages nearly a thousand years ago. The presence of this plant could mean alterations in the fungal environment surrounding Ravnica could have changed recently, though further investigation is required. The Golgari have been asked to investigate to ensure the vines were not a product of Golgari operations. Vraska, the acting Guildmaster for the Golgari Swarm, was unavailable for comment.
In additional news, the Skag-Kin and RAMI investigators reported the presence of more red-hooded cultists chanting over an ancient concrete slab. Shortly after dispatching the cultists, a massive purple wurm appeared and tunneled after the explorers. Upon directing the wurm away from the city of Ravnica, the explorers found themselves far beyond the reaches of the city, in tunnels previously unexplored by the Gruul. With a climactic exit, the wurm forced the Gruul party and RAMI investigators out of a breach, and a massive discovery was made. According to reports, there is ANOTHER city miles above Ravnica, currently in ruin, known as 'Redgaard'. Gruul parties have already begun to organize for further exploration, and the guildmasters have been notified of the presence of another settlement close to Ravnica. This news comes as a shock to Ravnicans who now wonder what the Guildpact's influence on the sister settlement could be.

It was huge. Buildings as far as the eye could see, just like home. I reckon they've been around for quite some time, but the buildings and roads were in shambles. Almost as if everyone had given up on repairing 'em.
— Big Country, Gruul Skag-Kin Leader

If confirmed, this will be the first organized settlement that Ravnica has encountered in over 2000 years, the last instance dating back to an Illithid colony that previously occupied the large cavern that is now mostly contains District 10. As a reminder of protocol, dealing with the external settlement can only be initiated by the Gruul Clans, as well as any guildmaster. A relations vote will be held amongst the guildleaders in order to determine the course of action in which Ravnica will interact with the settelment, of which there are many options. To begin, the Ravnican's can choose to entreat with the settlement, trading and offering resources in exhcange for the resources of the external nation. Alternatively, the guildmasters may vote for Ravnica to remain isolated from the settlement, and refuse trade and interaction entirely. The most uncommon path is that of a militaristic succession, in which the Boros Legion is granted emergency powers over the resources of the city in order to wage a land war on the external settelment in hopes of conquering it and adding it to the Guildpact's sphere of influence.
Regardless, it will be weeks before a decision is made regarding the sister city of Redgaard, but stay tuned and stay alert, as we will be updating you, the reader, with information as we recieve and verify it.
  by Zara Zu'un

Etrada: Wanted for Questioning!

Etrada, a known noble of House Dimir, has been requested to make an appearance for RAMI in regards to her whereabouts on the night of the Murder at Karlov Manor. If you have any information regarding the location or actions of Etrada, please get into contact with your nearest Boros Legion post. Etrada, according to the reports, is the only person not accounted for after the party at Karlov Manor. There are speculations on whether or not Etrada was infact the murder victim, which should be confirmed or debunked upon Simic forensic research conclusions, which should be published by the end of the month, according to Guildmaster Vannifar.
by Sniffles
Report Date
09 Sep 2024

Goblin Attacks Intensify!

Recent crimes on Tin Street claim over a dozen Ravnican lives as the goblins of Ravnica wage war in Precinct 1 and 4. With the introduction of new radicalized weaponry, goblins under the Shattergang Brothers and Krenko have taken to the streets, causing another collapse of a local apartment complex. The playground just outside the municipal children's schoolhouse funded by the Simic Combine also sustained damage to the western wing, and 4 children were hospitalized.
If you see goblins with glowing purple weapons, be sure to steer clear and notify your nearest Boros Legion post for assistance. Citizens are urged to remain indoors at night, as this is when most of the attacks occur. No ties have been officially confirmed with Krenko and the Shattergang Brothers at this time, but many of the Boros Legion Brigadiers in the area confirmed that the goblin mafias are their prime suspect. The Wojek have officially opened an investigation regarding the dozens of Ravnican's killed in the gang skirmishes.
by Sniffles


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