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Jarad vod Savo

Jarad vod Savo is the current Guildmaster of the Goglari Swarm.  


Jarad is an Elf Lich Lord of slender build. His face has deep cracks and lines, hugging tightly to his face. His eyes are sunken and hollow, with gleams of yellow coming from his skull. His lips have been peeled back, revealing only his perfect teeth underneath. His body is sinewy, his skin a deep grey. Jarad often has moss and fungi growing off of his body and armor, his hands and arms often covered with the mycellium of various fungi.


Jarad is a kind, wholesome elf who genuinely takes interest in those around him. He is never seen smiling due to the condition of his body, but he often approaches people softly with a low voice, and makes sure they are heard in the way they wish to be heard. He is extremely friendly, often going out of his own way to make sure that others are satisfied with the work he and his guild completes on a daily basis. Jarad is humble, and loyal to a fault. When people get past the fact he is a lich, he makes for great company.


Jarad makes an effort to speak to anyone he shares a presence with, and revels in stories told about the far beyond of the cities reaches. He is always quick to make introductions and make friends with anyone who will listen to him. As the guildmaster of the Goglari Swarm, many regard Lord Jarad as a hero, one who has taken upon a very important role in securing the future of Ravnica. He has intimate relationships with all in his guild, remaining emotionally open to those who need someone to talk to about the hardships of being in the Golgari Swarm. Jarad has been seen consoling and offering advice to others outside of his own guild, as well. Many Golgari agents have stated he is the best among them, and genuinely cares for their wellbeing and success.


Jarad belonged to an aristocratic elf family in the underdark. Unfortunately, he was born a male, and seen almost as a second class citizen to most. Always a gentle soul, Jarad continued to uplift those around him and make the Underdark a better place to live. However, upon eavesdropping on his parents one night, he learned that he was to be sold into slavery to another family. Fearing what would become of him, Jarad packed his things and set off alone at a young age.   Since then, he has been surviving with the Underdark flora and fauna, learning new ways to survive on the unique climate and environment he found himself in. Jarad stumbled into Ravnica nearly 50 years ago, and immediately joined up with the Golgari Swarm upon realizing their mission. He worked his way though recycling missions and helping others throughout the city until he became widely known as a friend of the people.   Unfortunately, on a regular recyling run, Jarad was killed by a nearby explosion in an Izzet-funded laboratory. Bystanders noticed Jarad's severe condition and rushed him to the Matka of the Golgari, who revived him, which in turn granted him lichdom in a twist of fate. Quickly, his body began to decay, but the same pure soul remained underneath, willing to help those in need. Through his tenacity he would climb higher and higher in the organization, being elected the Guildmaster shortly after by unanimous vote of the Guild.
Despite his appearance, Jarad vod Savo remains one of the most respected people in Ravnica.  
There's wisdom to be gained in one's death. Just because our story ends doesn't mean we can't still help others in theirs.
— Jarad vod Savo
>600 years
Sunken Yellow
Dark Green mossy hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Cracked and grey, desiccated skin
145 lbs