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Niv-Mizzet is a large, imposing red dragon genius. On all fours, he stands nearly 5 stories tall, reaching 10 stories in height when he stands up. His scales are a vibrant red that reflect a sheen of light blue. His eyes are constantly changing color, some imperceptible to certain races of humanoids. Niv-Mizzet has a wingspan of over 100 feet, though he rarely flies and prefers to teleport to locations instead.  


Niv-Mizzet is a callous[1] dragon whose focus is beyond the comprehension of most. He is the original and current guildmaster of the Izzet League,and has been regarded as a vain[2], temperamental[3], super-intelligent dragon[4]. As he directs experiments throughout the guild, he values results over success, accepting and even anticipating that Izzet experiments will end in gloriously unpredictable ways. However, the dragon rarely concerns himself with the day to day running of the guild, preferring to craft long range plans and let underlings implement the details. Currently, he is considered the most intellectual being in Ravnica, possibly the world[5].  


Niv-Mizzet possesses an ancient artifact called The Firemind, a mysterious and powerful item with unknown properties. Upon attuning with the Firemind, Niv-Mizzet has managed to successfully predict and prevent countless catastrophes inside the walls of Ravnica. To prevent the artifact from falling into the wrong hands, Niv-Mizzet fused the artifact with his own soul using ancient magics, making him and the artifact a single entity[6].  


Little is known about the origins of Niv-Mizzet, but there are rumors he is a direct descendant of an Elder Dragon. His first notable achievement in Ravnican history is the creation of the Izzet League, of which he has been a guildmaster since it's birth. He openly opposed Momir Vig's interpretation of the Guildpact, though he agreed and signed the terms once the Reckoning occurred. Niv-Mizzet is also responsible for the death of two separate Nephilim in the depths of the Underdark, and has commented that "the possibility of other Nephilim existing is likely", though he has made no obvious attempt to search for them.   As one of the original founders of Ravnica, Niv-Mizzet commands the respect and audience of all people in Ravnica, including other guildmasters. A refusal to answer Niv-Mizzet's summons is dangerous and overall futile[7].     [1]This statement does not reflect the views of House Dimir and associates.   [2]This statement does not reflect the views of House Dimir and associates.   [3]This statement does not reflect the views of House Dimir and associates.   [4]Niv-Mizzet is the oldest known being in Ravnica, his experience and accomplishments in that time alone would qualify him as super-intelligent.   [5]While it is impossible to know the most intelligent being in the world, based on information stored in House Dimir, there is a nonzero chance Niv-Mizzet is it.   [6]Little is known on the process Niv-Mizzet used to fuse himself with the Firemind, the only reported account is that the 'experiment was a success'.   [7]Rakdos once refused to answer Niv-Mizzet's summons to attend to other matters, and Niv-Mizzet reportedly ripped Rakdos through a portal into his own chambers so the discussion could take place 'without distraction.' Rakdos has commented on this occurence as "the first and last time I don't make time for Niv-Mizzet."  
Encountering Niv-Mizzet is never a chance event. He has planned for the occurrence, and knows exactly how the encounter will go.
Don't just have an idea. Have all of them.
— Niv-Mizzet
Niv-Mizzet fuses with the Firemind.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Parun of the Izzet League
The Firemind
>15000 years
Niv-Mizzet, Sir
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Red and Blue Scales
>100 tons


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