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Peoples of Ravnica


Goblins are the newest addition to the city of Guilds, in that they came after the meteor crashed into Redgaard above. Since trickling into the city, many have been subjugated by guilds as 'pests', being used for various experiemnt testing or forced to work hard hours in labs for the Izzet, who immediately took a liking to their reckless abandon for pursuing goals. Those who were able to avoid guild persecution were forced into the underground, when a mob boss by the name of Krenko organized the race into a fully functioning crime syndicate separate from the Guilds. Since, most goblins have survived as petty criminals, lab assistants, test subjects, and a select few have earned the respect of a guild and become a full fledged member.


Beings once less intimidating and unusual, quaggoths ended up developing over the years of evolution and magic to become tough creatures. They have skin tight short fur along their body and longer fur down their spines, the sides of their head or occasionally along limbs. The fur can grow in a variety of shades depending on the environment the quaggoth has been living in. A cave dwelling quaggoth who sees little light grows a far darker fur with a charcoal tint. Whilst other quaggoths more prone to water and nature can be lighter coloured and have tints of greens, browns, purples or blues from moss and shrubbery. A most noticeable feature of a quaggoth is their arching back and large paw-like hands and feet. Their back curves over with a hunch for a better posture when climbing with all fours, whilst the paw feet increase their movement abilities on flat ground. All Quaggoth's teeth, tongues, claws and ears come to sharp points for more threatening looks. Facial features consist of beady black eyes that peer beneath a thick furry brow and above a stout, squashed nose. Quaggoth were introduced into Ravnica when the city began to expand using the Gruul Clans. Once found, the Quaggoth were originally tested and studied by the Simic Combine. After being indoctrinated into the city, the Quaggoth found easy work as bounty hunters for the Orzhov Syndicate, eventually spurring their recruitment into the Boros Legion and Gruul Clans, as well. Quaggoth are a highly sought out race for the guilds due to their innate climbing ability and physical prowess, which make for great deterrents in most diplomatic situations and useful tools in combative ones. They are often also hired freelance as guides, using their natural primal awareness to escort caravans, transported criminals, and military units. The most notorius Quaggoth in Ravnica is Varis, a legendary Orzhovan bounty hunter.


Vedalken are one of the most common races to populate Ravnica. Vedalken are tall and slender, standing almost a head taller than humans but weighing about the same. Their hairless skin comes in a range of shades of blue. Their eyes are darker shades of blue or violet. They lack external ears, their noses are broad and flat, and they are partially amphibious. Believed to be an evolved version of mind flayers, the vedalken are a highly curious race who value perfection. Many Vedalken have made their way up the ranks of various guilds in Ravnica.

Deep Gnome

Deep gnomes, or Svirfneblin, are natives of the Underdark and are suffused with that subterranean realm’s magic. They can supernaturally camouflage themselves, and their svirfneblin magic renders them difficult to locate. These abilities have enabled them to survive for generations among the perils of the Underdark. In Ravnica, they have made use of their natural skills of navigating and surviving the harsh environment of the Underdark to prove as successful fighters, scouts, spies, mages, and even scientists within the various guilds.


Duergar are dwarves whose ancestors were transformed by centuries living in the deepest places of the Underdark. That chthonic realm is saturated with strange magical energy, and over generations, early duergar absorbed traces of it. They were further altered when mind flayers and other Aberrations invaded and performed horrific experiments on them. Fueled by Underdark magic, those experiments left early duergar with psionic powers, which have been passed down to their descendants. In time, they liberated themselves from their aberrant tyrants and forged a new life for themselves in the Underdark and beyond. Now in Ravnica, they have proven invaluable as fighters, sorcerers, scouts, spies, and leaders in many of the Ravnican guilds.

Earth Genasi

Tracing their ancestry to dao, the genies of the Elemental Plane of Earth, earth genasi inherit dao’s steadfast strength and control over earth. An earth genasi’s skin can be the colors of stone and earth or a human skin tone with glittering sparkles like gem dust. Some earth genasi have lines marking their skin like cracks, either showing glimmering gemlike veins or a dim, yellowish glow. Earth genasi hair can appear carved of stone or crystal or resemble strands of spun metal. In Ravnica, all Genasi were studied extensively due to their innate connection with the elements. Earth Genasi were often used to shape stone and rock around the underdark caverns of Ravnica to expand building quarters and scout tunnels. Their connection with the element of Earth has also produced vast amounts of research benefitting the city's infastructure, to include construction techniques, scientific excavation, and technological advancement.

Water Genasi

Water genasi descend from marids, aquatic genies from the Elemental Plane of Water. Water genasi are perfectly suited to life underwater and carry the power of the waves inside themselves. Their skin is often shades of blue or green, sometimes a blend of the two. If they have a human skin tone, there is a glistening texture that catches the light, like water droplets or nearly invisible fish scales. Their hair can resemble seaweed, waving as if in a current, or it can even be like water itself. In Ravnica, like other Genasi, the water Genasi have proven invaluable to the technological advancement in Ravnica's infastructure, providing unique insight on making fresh water universally available, plumbing, and methods for maintaining the growth of crops. They have also been instrumental in Simic research when producing new medicines and vaccines.

Fire Genasi

Descended from efreet, the genies of the Elemental Plane of Fire, fire genasi channel the flamboyant and often destructive nature of flame. They show their heritage in their skin tones, which can range from deep charcoal to shades of red and orange. Some bear skin tones common to humanity but with fiery marks, such as slowly swirling lights under their skin that resemble embers or glowing red lines tracing over their bodies like cracks. Fire genasi hair can resemble threads of fire or sooty smoke. In Ravnica, the Fire Genasi have used their innate connection to the element of fire to help advance the Ravnican industrial complex, as well as provide insight on safety precautions to be taken in explosion-risk Izzet laboratories.

Air Genasi

Air genasi are descended from djinn, the genies of the Elemental Plane of Air. Embodying many of the airy traits of their otherworldly ancestors, air genasi can draw upon their connection to the winds. Air genasi’s skin tones include many shades of blue, along with the full range of human skin tones, with bluish or ashen casts. Sometimes their skin is marked by lines that seem like cracks with bluish-white energy spilling out. An air genasi’s hair might blow in a phantom wind or be made entirely of clouds or vapor. In Ravnica, the Air Genasi have been instrumental in the production of unique energy-harnessing windfarms, that use wind to create electricity that supplies power to portions of the vast city of Ravnica. The Air Genasi have also proven valuable as scouting assistants, pointing out windflow and possible new caverns to expand the city.


Also called dark elves, the Drow have black skin that resembles polished obsidian and stark white or pale yellow hair. They commonly have very pale eyes (so pale as to be mistaken for white) in shades of lilac, silver, pink, red, and blue. They lend to be smaller and thinner than most elves. In Ravnica, the drow make up one of the more common races and can be found throughout all of the ten guilds. Some have taken to the pursuit of knowledge and joined with the Izzet, Simic, and Dirmir, while others have devoted their life to peacekeeping with the Azorius, Boros, and Orzhov. Plenty have migrated towards the preservation of the city's ecosystem and infastructure with the Selesnya, Golgari, and Rakdos, while some have proven to be great scouts and warriors for the Gruul clans. In some instances, the honored recognized Drow in the Gruul clans have undergone a unique transformation (thanks to a long-standing agreement between the Gruul and the Simic) into a Drow-Spider, or "Drider" as the Gruul have taken to calling them.

Simic Hybrid

The Simic Combine uses magic to fuse different life forms together. In recent years, they have extended this research to humanoid subjects, magically transferring the traits of various animals into humans, elves, and vedalken. The goal of the so-called Guardian Project is to build a Simic army of superior soldiers, perfectly adapted to a variety of combat situations. These hyper-evolved specimens are called Simic hybrids, though they sometimes call themselves guardians. By being created from an existing race, these 'guardians' have a reduced life expectancy, but whose anatomical makeup are more accepting of modifications such as gliding wings, carapace skin, grappling appendages, and even gills for breathing underwater.


These resilient and proud fish-folk have endured war, slavery, and mistreatment at the hands of other aquatic creatures. They dwell in submerged tribal communities along seacoasts, and hunt both above and below the water. Originally discovered by the Gruul clans when the city expanded into the underwater lakes of the Underdark, the Locathah proved their warrior prowess and their expertise in navigation. Since being absorbed into the city of Ravnica, the Locathah have proven invaluable with irrigation, plumbing, and scouting new and otherwise unnoticed tunnels and caverns to expand the city.


Many reptiles derive their body warmth and energy from the sun, but the humanoid viashino are fueled by an inner fire of zeal. Open with their emotions, viashino can be hot-tempered, but they are also quick to their hissing laughter, and they easily form close bonds of friendship. They are fierce warriors and passionate advocates for their guilds and causes. The Viashino are one of the original races of Ravnica, and their adaptation to the Underdark and unique mastery of speechcraft have allowed them to garner high ranking positions in almost all of the guilds. Their willingness to show emotion has garnered a tenuous trust with the people of Ravnica, especially the guildless.


  Death isn’t always the end. The reborn exemplify this, being individuals who have died yet, somehow, still live. Some reborn exhibit the scars of fatal ends, their ashen flesh or bloodless veins making it clear that they’ve been touched by death. Other reborn are marvels of magic or science, being stitched together from disparate beings or bearing mysterious minds in manufactured bodies. Whatever their origins, reborn know a new life and seek experiences and answers all their own. Often reeling from an incomplete task, promise unkept, or deed unfulfilled, these reborn often remain tied to the Material plane in order to fulfill their purpose. Reborn come in many forms in Ravnica, but often the persistent spirit is guided back by a priest of the Orzhov Syndicate (an expensive but valuable service) to a fitting vessel, so the spirit does not wreak havoc on the city itself. With some owance to the Orzhov Syndicate, these Reborn seek to complete the tasks they were unable to finish in their past life.


Plasmoids are amorphous beings with no typical shape. In the presence of other folk, they often adopt a similar form, but there’s little chance of mistaking a plasmoid for anything else. They consume food by osmosis, the way an amoeba does, and excrete waste through tiny pores. They breathe by absorbing oxygen through another set of pores,and their limbs are strong and flexible enough to grasp and manipulate weapons and tools. Although most plasmoids are translucent gray, they can alter their color and translucence by absorbing dyes through their pores. Plasmoids don’t have internal organs of the usual sort. Their bodies are composed of cells, fibers, plasma-like ooze, and clusters of nerves called ganglia. These nerves enable a plasmoid to detect light, heat, texture, sound, pain, and vibrations. Plasmoids can stiffen the outer layers of their bodies to maintain a human like shape, so they can wear clothing and accessories. They speak by forcing air out of tubular cavities that constrict to produce sound. When plasmoids sleep, they lose their rigidity and spread out and are sometimes mistaken for a rock or some other feature of the environment. One of the most sought after races for research, the Ooze race has existed within Ravnica since its foundation. Their anatomy and biological processes have influenced various technology advancements, as well as advancements in medicine. In tandem with the Genasi, the Ooze race can also be attributed to the Izzet creation of Weirds.


Grimalkin are cousins of the Tabaxi, but much smaller. The size of a large house cat, the Grimalkin are cunning and fleet of foot, and rival the Quaggoth in their climbing ability. Often overlooked due to their small stature, the Grimalkin have made great strides as proven scouts, diplomats, and warriors in the city. Grimalkin can be found in any guild in Ravnica, some elevated to high ranking positions. One of the most notable Grimalkin is Rumple, a Skyjek commander in the Boros Legion.

Stone Troll

Stone Trolls are hirsute, horned fey whose skin and hair pigmentations range from white or grey-green, to deep blue (a particularly revered shade). The most ancient of stories make mention of trolls (although sometimes under a different name). Trolls often play two roles in these stories: the first as powerfully strong monster, the second as extremely honor-bound protector. They have a long tradition of joining organizations or groups and protecting them until the end, or they may choose to be the protector of the weak or oppressed, or simple those who fate seems to have abandoned. Because of their devotion, Stone Trolls have found a welcoming home in the city of guilds. Often seen as loyal and dedicated, many guilds often vye and recruit Stone Trolls to join their ranks. Because of this, Stone Trolls can be found in all of the guilds in Ravnica, though few aspire to high ranking positions, preferring to uphold their honor instead of the pursuit of personal power.


Kumon are a race of arachnid-like humanoids. They lead predominantly solitary lives, but their love music, dance and fine clothing occasionally lead them to partake in relations with other races. Kumon have a reputation for stillness, patience, and impeccable manners. They can remain so motionless that others wonder if they are indeed still alive, and kumon often enjoy the effects their uncanny appearance has on other folk, delighting in unnerving the uninitiated with sudden movements, speaking in riddles or other strange or distracting behaviors. Because of their appreciation of culture, Kumon are often found as craftsmen in many of the districts of Ravnica, while others use their patience and manners to lead successful careers in the Azorius Senate as senators, lawmakers, and lawyers.


Ludai are an agricultural species that resemble large slugs. These humanoid mollusks often bring discomfort to other humanoids, with their alien legs, ever-shifting torso and thick stalks that carry curious, bulbous eyes. Ludai enjoy living in their simple settlements, exercising agrarian professions and being close to their family. The slime they travel upon contains a natural fertilizer, increasing the growth of many kinds of plants. Ludai skin tones vary widely, ranging from dull or bright blues or vibrant, striped yellows depending upon their tribe of origin. Ludai have four eyestalks. A few individuals bear additional eyestalks with additional sensory organs. This is often a sign of magical talent. Their mouths are ill suited for pronouncing words in common speech or many languages, and other races can have a difficult time understanding their slow, slurred words. Their native language is a complex chemical language that is translated only with some difficulty. Ludai often have difficulty expressing their most complex thoughts, emotions or concepts to humanoid races, which has led to some believing ludai to be dullwitted. In Ravnica, the Ludai only appeared after the Selesnya establishe dVodas across the Districts, attracted to the verdant life created from the guild. Hailed as good omens, the Ludai found great appreciation in the Selesnya guild, and often work as farmers and agricultural specialists within the city. A few Ludai have ventured beyond the Selesnya Conclave, but their alien appearance and difficulty with communication has led to most becoming a part of he Simic Combine as researchers. Recent developments have allowed the Ludai to communicate more effectively with other races in the Underdark, with equipment that can help translate their chemical language to Undercommon, and has allowed a small number of Ludai to find promising work and careers in other guilds of the city.


Most myconids see little reason to leave their networks, and the underdark’s seemingly endless expanses of new caverns and moisture providing the perfect conditions to keep expanding. Having been present before the creation of Ravnica, Myconids will probably be present long after Ravnica is ruins. Their innate connection to the Underdark and survivability has garnered attention with the Simic Combine on potential traits to pass on to future generations of Ravnicans to promote survivability. Often working with the Golgari Swarm, Myconids are excellent detritivores and offer an invaluable service to the city. Apart from this, many Myconids possess a sage-like wisdom, which has allowed many Myconids to find promising work both within the guilds and as a part of the guildless. As one of the most peaceful races in Ravnica, Myconids are often great listeners and empathisers, and can often find work as therapists and behavioral specialists within the city, some even becoming analysts for the Azorius Senate and Boros Legion.


Much like the rest of Tallamh, humans are also present in Ravnica, though in far fewer number. Due to their adaptability, they have learned to thrive in the inhospitable Underdark conditions. In Ravnica, humans are a part of each guild as well as the guildless, and find promising work everywhere in the city. However, due to their small number, many humans are often seen as 'alien' and find themselves distanced from many races. The most notable humans in Ravnica are Ral Zarek, the assistant to Niv-Mizzet, and Tajic, the Blade of the Boros Legion.


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