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The House Dimir

House Dimir is Ravnica's information guild: a network of respectable messengers and reporters whose sole goal is to enlighten the general poluation of the goings on in the city of Ravnica. Dimir reporters and agents pride themselves on having a minimal impact on outside events and occurrences, believing their role as an external eye of enlightenment to the people of the city.   House Dimir is also in charge of the weekly paper, the Dimir Tribunal, a city wide newspaper detailing the everyday events of the many guilds in the city.   Some speculate the House Dimir has ulterior motives to regulating the information of the different guilds in Ravnica, but no such rumors have been confirmed with any evidence. The most notorius event in this category, The Day of Shadows, garnered negative attention to the guild after key details regarding the cause of the tragedy were omitted from reports. In comment, House Dimir replied "they [reporters] only report facts, and if these facts are not corroborated they will not be mentioned as such in House Dimir accounts of events. It is and always has been our goal to provide accurate, informational news to the people of Ravnica."
The emblem of House Dimir.
Guild, Professional
Notable Members


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