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Titles and Ranks of the Golgari Swarm

The Guildmaster

The Guildmaster of the Golgari Swarm is responsible for maintaining the mission and goals of the guild, which relate to the recycling of waste in the city of Ravnica.


The Matka is the high priest of the Goglari. This is the defacto religious leader of the guild, and often considered as powerful and influential as the Guildmaster.

High Chancellor

High Chancellors of the Golgari Swarm advise the Guildmaster on decision making, and keep him or her informed of happenings thorughout the guild. They also convey the Guildmaster's instructions to the various parts of the guild's body.


Advisors serve the High Chancellors, and often provide insight and complete important tasks for the guild as a whole.


The defacto guild security of the Golgari Swarm, the Ochran act as body guards for recycling teams and on important missions for the guild.


Agents are the building blocks of the Golgari Swarm, and are often called upon for recyling missions and higher importance missions if a large body of members is required for completion.
Jarad vod Savo, the Guildmaster of the Golgari Swarm.
The Matka of the Goglari Swarm performs a religious rite.
A High Chancellor divinates to provide advice to his Guildmaster.
A Golgari Agent collects the bones of the deceased to be recycled.


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