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Titles and Ranks of the Izzet League



Niv-Mizzet, an ancient red dragon, is the Parun of the Izzet League. He sets the guiding focus for the entire guild based on careful planning and the aligned interests of the city of Ravnica and himself. Niv-Mizzet's word is final in Izzet League matters.    

Council of the Izmagnus

The Council of the Izmagnus is a select group of 5-7 (depending on how many aren't dead due to experiments) advisors who see to the implimentation of Niv-Mizzet's guidance for the League. They advise Niv-Mizzet in matters regarding the guild and keep him informed of progress being made. The only way to be appointed to this position is by Niv-Mizzet himself.    


The Izmundi make up the general guiding body of the Izzet League, and set the precedent for the research being conducted by each laboratory they oversee. In total, there are 20 members of the Izmundi (2 for each lab focus) who help set the parameters by which the progress of the Labs is judged. It is up to the Izmundi to allocate proper funding towards each lab based on promise of progress, Niv-Mizzet interest, and return on investment. The only way to be appointed to this position is by being selected by the active Izmundi council while serving tenure as a Director of a laboratory.    


There are a total of 10 laboratories the Izzet League actively funds and monitors for research progress. They are as follows:  
  • The Lab of Pyrology: Focuses on heat, fire, and explosion. This lab has a prominent facility in the guildhall, Nivix. It is one of the most popular and funded labs in the Izzet League.
  • The Lab of Storms and Electricity: Focuses on controlling the weather as well as containing and conducting electrical energy. Its headquarters is in a spire atop Nivix, known as the Lightning Rod.
  • The Lab of Metallurgy: Focuses on smelting and forging, most commonly using magic-sensitive metals. There is a small outpost dedicated to this lab focus in the Tenth District's Smelting Quarter.
  • The Lab of Alchemy: Focuses on the magical science of transmuting one substance to another. This is often self-funded by advisors in small, simple laboratories across Ravnica. The Izmundi have cut funding to this research school often to make room for larger projects.
  • The Lab of Orientation: Focuses on the science and magic of teleportation and spatial recombination. There are multiple workshops that seem to disappear and appear at random all across Ravnica.
  • The Lab of Mimeography: Focuses on the means of duplication, and has recently been granted large sums of funds from the Izmundi.
  • The Lab of Continuism: Focuses on the science of temporal manipulation, and has seen little success in its years as a research body.
  • The Lab of Geometry: Focuses on counter-magic and redirection, with a small presence in Prism University in the Tenth District.
  • The Lab of Gravitational Inversion: Focuses on the menas of flight. This lab has a permanent workshop near Augustin Station in the Tenth District.
  • The Lab of Plasma-Dermatology: Focuses on combining opposing elements to make creatures called 'weirds'. This is the newest Lab that was most recently funded by the Izmundi.
  • Advisors

    Inside each Laboratory, there are a myriad of advisors who help oversee research in their field of expertise. Advisors are previous directors of labs who are awaiting their appointment to the Izmundi or Council of the Izmagnus.  


    Directors oversee 1 of the 10 labs and all of the personnel contained within. The Izmundi are responsible for appointing experienced and trustworthy Supervisors to this role to oversee the entirety of a Laboratory and its progress. While Niv-Mizzet and the Izmundi have a great deal of control in the direction of each Lab's research, the Director of each laboratory operates with a wide latitude of leniency on how these research tasks are accomplished. If performed well, this appointment almost assures an appointment to the Izmundi.  


    Supervisors are either accomplisehd researchers or commited soldiers. Supervisors oversee their former peers and their research experiments, with the primary task of translating instructions of the director above you into tasks that the people who report to you can accomplish.  


    The Researcher is the backbone of the Izzet League. After advancing the guild's interest and surviving a few magical experiments, researchers are allowed to conduct experiments on their own.
      The emblem of the Izzet League.  
      A goblin alchemist researcher of the Lab of Alchemy makes an important discovery.  
      A supervisor of the Lab of Storms and Electricity samples gadgets created by her researchers.  
      A researcher of the Lab of Pyrology fuses a new fuel source with his research to create a permanent fireball effect.


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