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Titles and Ranks of the Selesnya Conclave


Mat'Selesnya is the parun of the Selesnya Conclave, and believed to be an elemental force of nature and creation. This entity is looked upon as a higher diety for those inside the Conclave, and as a very powerful being otherwise. No one knows the true form of Mat'Selesnya, and no one but the Voice has spoken to it directly.

Voice of Mat'Selesnya

The Voice of Mat'Selesnya is a religious leadership role in Selesnya, one of the few roles commanding over guild members in the Conclave. The Voice's main goal is to speak and interpret the wants and directives of Mat'Selesnya and disseminate this information to the Voda to spread throughout their communities.


A Voda is a dryad formed from the most ancient mushroom in a Selesnya Conclave community settlement. These dryads are called forth in order to lead communities in the image and guidance of Mat'Selesnya. This is the only political leadership role in the Selesnya Conclave, as it is the purview of the guild that all are one in the eyes of nature.

Guild Member

All other guild members contribute in their own way to the ecosystem of life and love exhibited in the Selesnya Conclave. Guild members are expected to have an intense appreciation for nature, and the wholeness assumed with being a part of the ecosystem of the world. Guild members can expect to be put into positions that play to their strengths as the Selesnya Conclave influences the rest of Ravnica towards a unified ecosystem and community.
The guild emblem of the Selesnya Conclave.
Trostani, the Voice, communes with Mat'Selesnya.
An ancient mushroom in which a Voda was spawned to create a new Selesnya community within the Conclave.
A Selesnya Guildmage uses her druidcraft to continue to grow food for the city of Ravnica.


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